Wireless Wake-Up Call – What Really Causes “The Flu”?

The text below was written by Arthur Firstenberg.  This is a wake-up call for everyone.  Original Article Here.


This is not the first time a scare about a viral pandemic has swept the world. We have previously heard predictions — none of which came true — that swine flu, bird flu, SARS, MERS, West Nile virus, Zika virus and Ebola were going to kill millions of people. Notably, all of these scares have occurred after the Internet replaced human contact as the predominant means of communica-tion, and words and pictures on a screen replaced reality. Today, this has gone so far that people are finally willing to shut down the world rather than notice what is going on around them.

I do not pretend that there is no basis at all for these predictions. Behind all the hysteria is a fear that the catastrophe that was the “Spanish Influenza” of 1918-1921 will repeat itself. The 1918 flu, after all, sickened one-third of the world’s population and killed an estimated fifty million people.

But there are a number of important facts about the 1918 flu that are not widely known:

  • The 1918 flu was not caused by a virus.

  • The 1918 flu was not contagious and did not spread by direct human-to-human contact.

  • The 1918 flu began on U.S. military bases where soldiers were being trained in wireless telegraphy. It spread throughout the world on ten thousand U.S. Navy ships equipped with state-of-the-art wireless stations. It became much more deadly in September 1918 when the first round-the-clock voice radio station powerful enough to be received in most parts of the world went on the air in New Brunswick, New Jersey in service of the U.S. war effort, thereby launching the modern era of radio communication.

Efforts by doctors working for the U.S. Public Health Service to prove the contagious nature of the 1918 flu were heroic and resulted in resounding and repeated failure. In November and December 1918 and in February and March 1919, they attempted to infect one hundred healthy volunteers with influenza in the following ways:

  • They put secretions from the mouth, nose, throat and bronchi from hospitalized influenza patients into the nose, throat and eyes of volunteers;

  • They injected blood from sick patients into volunteers;

  • They filtered mucous material from sick ptients and injected it under the skin of volunteers;

  • They had volunteers shake hands with sick patients, talk to them, faces close together, for five minutes, then had the patient breathe out as hard as he could while the volunteer, two inches away, was breathing in, then had the patient cough directly into the face of the volunteer, five times.

None of the volunteers in any of these experiments got sick in any way.

Similar attempts to infect healthy horses with secretions from horses sick with influenza resulted in the same resounding failure.

These experiments, and other facts about the 1918 flu, as well as about influenza in general, are thoroughly discussed and documented in chapters 7, 8 and 9 of my book,The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (AGB Press 2017, Chelsea Green 2020).

Historically, influenza was an unpredictable disease that struck without warning and without a schedule and disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as it had arrived, not to be seen again for years or decades. It did not exist on this earth as an annual disease prior to the worldwide deployment of AC electricity for lights and power that occurred in 1889. Many of the doctors who were flooded with influenza in 1889 had never seen a case before. But influenza has not been absent anywhere on earth since.

What is most difficult for people to let go of is the notion, so deeply engrained in our society, that a disease is the same as a bacteria or a virus. This way of looking at the world, as a battlefied instead of a community, is wrong. Yes, there is a respiratory virus associated with influenza. No, the virus does not cause the disease. Influenza is a neurological disease that can affect almost every organ, with or without respiratory symptoms. It is caused by electricity.

Especially now, the world needs to know these things. Once it is understood that the 1918 flu was not caused by a virus and was not spread by contagion, but was instead caused by the sudden spread of radio communication throughout the world, the hysteria should die down and the world can get back to normal, and go about the necessary business of getting rid of wireless technology. Radio waves have sickened and killed more of humanity in the past century than all of the bacteria and viruses combined. Also heart disease, diabetes and cancer (chapters 11, 12 and 13 of The Invisible Rainbow) are caused primarily by the sea of radiation with which our cell phones, cell towers, radio towers, radar stations, security systems, baby monitors, wireless computers, and other wireless devices and infrastructure have flooded our precious and fragile world.

The Coronavirus and 5G

I have been asked if I think the coronavirus disease is caused by 5G, and my answer is: not directly. But the parallels to 1918 are striking. Remember, the 1918 flu was not caused by a virus but by the proliferation of radio technology, to such an extent as to modify the electromagnetic environment of the Earth itself. The first, mild wave of the flu in the winter, spring and summer of 1918 was caused by the proliferation of thousands of wireless telegraphy stations, each having a limited geographic range and operating for a limited number of hours per day. The second wave, which lasted three full years, sickening one-third of humanity and killing ten percent of those it sickened, was caused by an escalation of radio from telegraphy to voice, part time to full time, and short-range to planet-wide.

That is parallel to what is happening today. 5G is escalating the radio assault on our planet to a new level, using much higher frequencies, much greater bandwidth, and much greater power levels. The first wave of the coronavirus has accompanied an enormous proliferation of 5G stations on the ground, each having a limited geographic range. This is shortly to be escalated from short-range to planet-wide, and from an indirect to a direct assault on the ionosphere, when thousands of 5G satellites go into operation this year and next.

A clue to the electromagnetic nature of the present pandemic comes from an interesting observation: as many as two-thirds of the people who test positive for the coronavirus have lost their sense of smell, and often that is their only symptom and they are otherwide not sick. (“Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection,” ENT UK). Loss of sense of smell is a classic sign of the disease that was called radio wave sickness in the former Soviet Union, and that is called electrical sensitivity today; often it is the only symptom of exposure to radio waves in otherwise healthy individuals. (“Investigation of the Olfactory Sensitivity in Persons Subjected to the Influence of UHF,” Ye. A. Lobanova and Z. V. Gordon, in The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, A. A. Letavet and Z. V. Gordon, eds., Moscow 1960, JPRS 12471, pp. 50-56).

Another clue is the frequently reported effects of the coronavirus disease on the cardiovascular system, including “arrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, and a high proportion of concomitant cardiovascular disease in infected individuals.” This was reported on March 6, 2020 in Cardiology Magazine. These are also classic effects of exposure to radio waves.

A third clue is the astonishing variation in the severity of the current pandemic, regardless of the measures taken by governments to prevent person-to-person contact. Why, for exmaple, does Italy have 74,000 cases of coronavirus disease, and Japan only 1200? Eighty percent of the cases identified in Japan have not passed on the infection to anyone else. Tokyo, among the world’s most densely packed metropolitan areas with a population of 38 million, has almost no disease. This despite a nationwide quarantine and a shutdown of society in Italy, and few measures taken against the disease in Japan. There is no quarantine in Japan and bars, restaurants and clubs are busy and bustling. Temples are packed, and parks are filled with people viewing cherry blossoms. The subways are packed, and people are going to work, yet the disease does not spread. Japan has close contact with China, and did not even stop incoming flights from Hubei until February 1. Japan has an older population than Italy, and a higher rate of tobacco smoking.

The electrical nature of the disease would explain this too. Almost all of Japan is volcanic, and the electrical conductivity of the earth underneath Japan is higher than underneath most of Italy. Residents of Japan are therefore better grounded than residents of most of Italy, and are less affected by the radio waves around them. The volcanic regions of Italy — Sicily and Campania — have much lower rates of coronavirus than the rest of Italy. Patricia Ormsby, who lives in Japan, told me years ago that when she is in the United States she can feel a cell phone from a distance of 6 meters, but when she is in Japan she does not feel a cell phone until it comes within 3 meters of her. I live in Santa Fe for the same reason: I do not feel all the cell towers here because the conductivity of the earth underneath Santa Fe is so high.

Regardless of the origin or severity of the respiratory virus that is called COVID-19, the rollout of 5G is playing a large role in the current pandemic. Fear, social isolation and the shutdown of society are doing far more damage to the fabric of life than the virus ever could. It is time for society to get over its obsession with this microorganism and to turn to the emergency posed by wireless technology, on Earth and in space.



The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life was originally published in hardcover by AGB Press on Earth Day in 2017. I still have about 100 copies of the hardcover edition left, which will be for sale on my website for a few more days:www.cellphonetaskforce.org/buy-the-invisible-rainbow.

The book was just re-published, in paperback only, by Chelsea Green:

www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-invisible-rainbow. But as it is a thick book, with almost 400 pages of text and an additional 150 pages of notes and bibliography, the hardcover edition is more durable, attractive, and comfortable to read. If you would like it to remain available in that format, write to Margo Baldwin, the publisher at Chelsea Green, and request that they please issue it again in hardcover.

If you live in another country and would like The Invisible Rainbow to be translated and published in your country in your language, contact Eliza Haun, the Direct of Rights at Chelsea Green, to make this request.


Here are some of the reports that I received in response to my last newsletter, “The Flames of Progress”, in which I documented the worldwide starvation of insects caused by microwave radiation, and the consequent starvation of birds, bats and frogs for lack of insects to eat:

Allan Hardman writes from Mexico:

“I am, like you, astounded by the silence. I also remember driving down the Central Valley of California from college to my parents’ house in the ‘60’s and stopping often to scrape and clean my windshield. That problem has now been solved — kill the bugs! And the birds who ate them.”

Andrea Mercer writes from Colorado:

“I moved to Minnesota in 2006 in the summer. I would see bats flying through the streets and swarms of insects of many species in densities I had never experienced living in Oregon. Year after year they would disappear. Minnesota was saying it was white nose syndrome blaming that on the disappearance of bats. But it was more to me. The bats didn’t have food… I found deformed dragonflies that couldn’t fly in Minnesota.”

Rangaswami Ramakrishnan writes from India:

“In India we had sparrows which we used to call Indian Sparrows, with brown wings, and we used to see lots of them making nice noises and the whole variety is now missing in cities. There are still a few left in the villages… All due to 4G.”

Eva Goedhart writes from Los Angeles:

“It kills me watching the bees die everywhere I go. There are so many of them on tennis courts and in one spot in our backyard. I can’t figure out why I always see dead bees in the same spot. It makes total sense that they’re starving! We pick the bees up, bring them inside, put few drops of water and honey next to them and they eat! Sometimes they’re able to fly away!

“I’m 50 years old and I grew up in Poland and remember a totally different world. Frogs, toads, hedgehogs, tons of insects. Now I live in Los Angeles and it’s a true horror watching the towers popping up everywhere. Everything is slowly dying.”

Karen Eichstadt writes from South Africa:

“I remember those days where the wind screens would be smeared with insects. That almost never happens anymore. We are like the frogs in the pot of water and don’t even notice the temperature rising.”

Sam Samson writes from Scotland:

“I’m 71 and remember the myriad of insect and bird life. Yesterday I found a bat unable to get to roost, I tried to place it in a dry safe place, very unusual in winter.”

Warren Friedman writes from South Africa:

“I’ve been blaming EMF’s for the decline in insects for over twenty years. I miss the birds and bats.”

Jeanne Aymé-Martin writes from France:

“I do understand why you are so bewildered because I am too. We are very much concerned about the survival of a so low number of bees, insects, and bats in our garden and in nature in general.”

Francisco Gabiola Guerra writes from Belgium:

“When I go on holidays to the town in Spain where I was born, in the past in summer you heard all the time crickets in the fields, there were butterflies in the fields, you heard birds all the time, when you went to the fields there were honey bees everywhere. Today none of that is present.”

Antonia Holthuizen writes from the Netherlands:

“I live next to the woods. In May 2016, when I came to live here, there were always so many frogs on my driveway. I could hardly avoid them with my bike, there were that many. But in the last two years, I may be glad to see one, maybe two. One dragged itself to my doorstep. I talked to him, but didn’t know how to help him. Next time I will pick him up and bring him to the woods where I, myself, can’t feel the radiation anymore, and see if this might help him.

“Last year I also saw bumblebees stumbling across my lawn. I let one crawl over my hand, what a beautiful creature, wonderful. But I couldn’t help them. They died. It became a bumblebee cemetery. Later I realised that they would die exactly there where I myself also suffered from the two masts, hidden in the church tower in the village.”

Connie Drummond writes from the UK:

“Insects have gone, small birds are not in the trees and we are left with a few kestrels and kites who, too, are starving and just circling the skies desperate for grub like vultures.”

Patricia Ormsby writes from Japan:

“5G got switched on in late February. Five days ago I noticed that the black kites (Milvus migrans) that used to roost around our vegetable field, that left our field when smart meters were installed but moved on to fields further away with no smart meters, have now fled those fields entirely. Totally empty sky, but lots and lots of ground birds in those fields. What kites still remain have moved to the forests. Each time I have gone out I have seen one or two kites attempt to fly out over the fields and then give up.”

Angela Foulds writes from Australia:

“In Melbourne millimetre wave trials across 25% of the city just began. This morning, on my walk with a neighbour we were mortified to see dead bees and insects on the ground throughout our hour long walk, all the way to a nature park and all along the streets back home.”


Full Article Here

Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129

A pdf of this newsletter is available here:


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