Source Article: Dirty Electricity At Mayo Elementary School
Harmful wireless radiation takes an unusual form

Mayo Elementary School in Edgewater, Maryland has a Dirty Electricity problem, and it is putting the health of the students and staff at risk every single school day.
Most people are aware that man-made, wireless radiation comes from things like cell towers, smart phones, wifi-routers, and smart meters. However, very few people understand or have even heard of another source of wireless radiation called ‘Dirty Electricity.’
What Is Dirty Electricity?
Dirty Electricity is the common name used to describe the phenomenon where radio frequencies emanate from power lines.
Why Should Mayo Elementary Parents And Staff Care?
A high number of teachers and students developed some form of cancer due to prolonged exposure to Dirty Electricity at La Quinta Middle School in California. News clip below. Study here.
Radio frequencies are classified as wireless non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIEMR). Wireless radiation was once thought to be harmless, but decades of research by scientists all over the world provides increasing evidence that shows otherwise.
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency For Research On Cancer (IARC) officially classified Wireless NIEMR as a Group 2b possible carcinogen.
As more and more research data becomes available, there is an increasing amount of researchers who are suggesting that the WHO/IARC classification is outdated and should be upgraded to a Group 1 known carcinogen.
This paper, published in September 2018 by the journal Environmental Research, offers the same conclusion. There is a growing body of scientists, doctors, researchers and engineers who conclude that long-term Wireless NIEMR exposure causes cancer and other adverse health effects.
In 2012, a team of 29 authors (comprised mostly of PhDs and MDs from ten different countries) reviewed close to 1800 international studies on electromagnetic radiation and published what is known as The BioInitiative Report. The BioInitiative Report concludes that even low-intensity exposure damages DNA, interferes with DNA repair, is toxic to the human genome, causes sleep disturbances, kills sperm, contributes to ADHD, and is linked to alzheimers and cancer development.
The National Toxicology Program, housed under the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services concluded that there is “clear evidence” linking wireless radiation exposure to tumor growth in the hearts of male rats.
Based on the NTP study, the Governor-appointed Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council (CEHPAC), released an official recommendation that students’ exposure to radio frequencies should be minimized in public schools, citing children’s unique vulnerability to its effects.
Due to their rapidly-developing bodies, children are especially sensitive to environmental toxins such as heavy metals and pesticides. Wireless NIEMR should be thought of the same way – a toxin. It stresses the body and weakens the immune system.
Research has also linked long-term Wireless NIEMR exposure to…
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Memory Loss and ‘Brain Fog’
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Ringing in the Ears
- DNA and Cell Damage
- Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier
- Disruption of Communication Between Cells
What Causes Dirty Electricity?
North American power lines supply electricity in the form of alternating current (AC) at the rate of 60 oscillations per second (hertz). For the purposes of this article, pure 60 Hz AC electricity can be considered ‘clean.’
Analog electronics are able to use this AC power ‘as-is’, thus preserving the integrity of the 60 Hz AC electricity. Examples of analog electronics are…
- Incandescent Light Bulb
- CRT Television
- Tape Recorder
- Rotary Telephone
Digital electronics, however, require direct current (DC) to operate and therefore must convert AC to DC using what’s known as a rectifier. An AC adapter (a.k.a. as wall warts or power bricks) is the best known example of a rectifier.
Digital electronics use electricity intermittently, turning the electricity ‘on’ and ‘off’ thousands of times per second, otherwise known as switched-mode power supply (SMPS).
The AC to DC conversion process combined with the inherent nature of SMPS interrupt the natural flow of the 60 Hz AC electricity by creating voltage spikes and high frequency voltage transients.
These spikes and transients are commonly referred to as Dirty Electricity.
60 hertz falls in the ‘Extremely Low Frequency’ range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Dirty Electricity refers to all of the other frequencies that ‘piggy-back’ on top the clean 60 Hz AC fundamental frequency, most of which fall into the radiowave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What Does Dirty Electricity ‘Look’ Like?
Visualizing the Dirty Electricity at Mayo Elementary School is only possible using a specialized instrument known as an oscilloscope. In the screenshot below the clean 60 Hz AC electricity is represented by the BLUE sine wave, which is what the school’s electricity should look like. Unfortunately, the RED waveform is what Mayo Elementary’s electricity actually looks like.
Further examination with a spectrum analyzer shows us the exact frequencies that exist within the power lines of the entire school. The screenshot below displays frequencies in the 0 – 10 Megahertz part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The BLUE line represents ‘clean’ electricity. The RED line represents the Dirty Electricity at Mayo Elementary School.
How ‘Bad’ Is The Dirty Electricity At Mayo Elementary?
Several companies sell handheld meters that non-professionals can use to try to quantify the Dirty Electricity of which you are trying to measure.
Using a GreenWave meter at Mayo Elementary, the level of Dirty Electricity is so high that it exceeds the range of the meter. See below video for a demonstration.
GreenWave suggests an ideal reading would be as close to 25 millivolts as possible. Since the meter is maxing out a 1984 millivolts, we don’t actually know the true extent of the problem at Mayo Elementary. It could be many thousands of millivolts higher.
How Can Mayo Elementary Fix Dirty Electricity?
Ideally, Mayo Elementary should hire an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist or Building Biologist to come in and take readings first, and then offer a solution to the Dirty Electricity problem.
There are a handful of companies that sell filters for Dirty Electricity, ranging from plug-in style to hardwired at the circuit panel.
Here is a video of a well-renowned EMF specialist Eric Windheim, demonstrating different filtering techniques.
What Can Mayo Elementary Parents and Staff Do?
There is a unique opportunity to shape Maryland legislation right now.
In July 2018, Maryland lawmakers passed House Bill HB1110. The bill simply requires “the State Department of Education, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Health, by June 1, 2019, to develop health and safety best practices for the use of digital devices in school classrooms; and requiring the Department, by July 1, 2019, to provide the best practices to each county board and nonpublic school for consideration and adoption.”
Initial ideas for HB1110 centered around screen time for children. What people need to understand is that the problem extends way beyond ‘screen time.’
Parents and Mayo staff should…
- Contact the Anne Arundel County Board Of Education and demand they investigate Dirty Electricity.
- Contact Delegate Seth Howard and Senator Sarah Elfreth and ask that they include the following suggestions for HB1110.
Airplane Mode On. Wifi And Bluetooth Off.
Wifi Routers Off. Install Wired Ethernet Connections.
Filter “Dirty Electricity” From Power Lines.
Shield Classrooms From Electromagnetic Radiation.
Corded Phones In Every Classroom For Security.
What Else?
Dirty Electricity is fed back into the electrical grid, thus contaminating anything connected to it. In other words, it is found everywhere – every school, home and office.
Related Article: Harmful Wireless Radiation Detected At Mayo Elementary School
The author is a concerned parent and registered independent. Twitter @concreteprophet
Additional information provided by an electrical engineer who prefers to remain anonymous. He states:
The term “dirty electricity” is never used in professional engineering parlance – it’s a term I’ve only recently come across in my 20+ years of engineering. We refer to this phenomenon as EMI [Electromagnetic Interference], as this is the noise signal from either commutating inductive motors (think vacuum cleaners or refrigerator compressors) or from high-speed capacitive switching converters (think “wall warts”). Sorry for the technical jargon, but in actuality, these are all largely analog electronics. Digital electronics are used primarily for purposes of signal processing (think computer and touchscreen interfaces) whereas analog electronics actually deliver the power. A switching power converter (also called a power supply) is, 90% of the time, 100% analog. The switching power converter is what is rectifying the AC into DC power but is doing so tens or hundreds of thousands of times a second for the sake of efficiency.
So, what is responsible for the noise (“dirtiness”) in the analog signal? For starters, an incandescent bulb is a purely resistive circuit: it has no capacitive or inductive component; therefore, it will not distort the waveform nor will it cause a phase shift between voltage and current (power is a product of both voltage and current). Inductive and capacitive circuits will induce phase shifts of current or voltage, causing distortion. Couple that with the need for commutation [switching] in order to boost efficiency and you can have horrible voltage and current spikes produced from chopping this AC/DC signal thousands of times per second. These spikes are the noise being observed in the measuring equipment and this noise has high-frequency components which can adversely affect human health.
In my line of work, it is common practice to develop input filters to attenuate this noise and prevent it from either being induced on the power lines or from being radiated into the atmosphere. Virtually every piece of electronic equipment produced over the past 30+ years has an input filter – BUT these input filters are designed to prevent interference with other pieces of electrical/electronic equipment, not humans. There is absolutely nothing in the design standards for electrical certification for equipment, regardless of the industry, that accounts for filtering out the frequencies which may be of detrimental effect to humans as it is long believed in the engineering industry that high-frequency non-ionizing EMF has no effect on humans or other biological life. Of course this is based upon the flawed 1966 Naval study which concluded that the only detrimental effects from microwave radiation is thermal.
Also, the input filters are designed to prevent interference with other pieces of electronic equipment (in the early days before input filters, the radar equipment from aircraft would set off garage doors when flying overhead). I would design this equipment to meet industry standards – if the noise emitted was below the prescribed threshold it met the standard and the design was “compliant”. Engineers will have a tough task ahead of them when it is accepted that EMI/EMF does affect human health – design standards will become insanely tougher to meet (they’re already tough right now) and input filters will increase in size and complexity by a great amount, increasing the size and cost of all electronics. But, our wireless world has gotten us into this mess…