Smart meters can interfere with healthy heart – video evidence – pacemaker, breathing problems – video testimony

Dear friends – please check out the information below (several articles and videos) and pass it on to your friends and family.  Everyone needs to know about the dangers of smart meters.  I almost died in February of 2018 as a result of living in a house with an “opt-out” digital smart meter.  ALL of my family members became sick  within one year of placement of this lethal device on our home.  This is due to chronic, 24/7 exposure to microwave radiation pulses which never allow the body to recover or heal from the relentless radiation damage.  According to one activist friend… “radio off meters” “still have a switching mode supply dispensing voltage transients throughout the home’s circuitry. Dr Sam Milham believes that is worse than the RF radiation.”  According to a retired USAF officer, smart meters are designed to run microwave radiation through all the electrical wiring in a house.

There is no escaping it.  These devices are a genocidal technology and those responsible for creating and deploying this technology are deliberately trying to kill us.


 Source Article:
Smart meters can interfere with healthy heart – video evidence


While these videos below were not made by scientists, a physician helps demonstrate, in two different individuals, the interference that smart meters can cause, with the human heart.  CEP suggests that independent scientists run similar tests, using scientific methodology on a larger sample, to ascertain whether this interference actually occurs and if so, in how many people.As Director of Center for Electrosmog Prevention and a person who has had my health impacted severely by smart utility meters, I can tell you that my own heart rhythms are impacted, and I can feel it clearly when close to a smart meter or in the presence of strong wifi (which uses the same frequency as smart meters). I thank Warren Woodward, non-scientific producer of these videos and resident of Arizona, for doing what he can to demonstrate the impact smart meters certainly appear to have on the human heart. Thank you to the physician and bio-engineer he is having assist him, as well.

If you have a smart meter, an “opt-out” (removal of smart meter by the utility and replacement with an electro-mechanical, legacy-style analog meter) is available, I encourage you to opt-out, and ask your utility to allow this, even if it costs a bit more on your electric and gas bills. You may see a decrease, as some have reported. Work for an opt-out in your state or area, if there is none.  I also encourage you to work toward banning of all smart meters as health hazards.

EKG Proof That “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart – Part I

EKG Proof That “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart, Part II



Source Article:
Pacemaker, Heart, and Breathing Problems Reported from Smart Meter

A man from Carson, CA reports arrythmia, breathing, and pacemaker problems from the smart meter on his home. He says the pacemaker was being interfered with by the smart meter and he had to be hospitalized several times, including in intensive care. When the smart meter was removed and the neighbor’s smart meter was removed, he returned to normal. This compelling account shows first-hand what scientists and experts have warned of, and people are reporting. These life-threatening problems stopped when the smart meters were removed.

Heart and Pacemaker Disruption from Electric Meter


More articles about smart meters and heart problems:

Pacemaker, Heart, and Breathing Problems Reported from Smart Meter

WiFi Affects The Heart

ALERT: AAEM Supports Research Showing Health Impacts from Smart Meters (Oct. 2013)

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation

Smart Meter Health Complaints

Public Health Alerts: Smart meters

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