Numerous Deaths and Illnesses Near Cell Tower in Sebastopol, CA

Source Article:
Sebastopol, CA: Consider The Plights of Those Living At An Attractive and Well-Managed Affordable Housing Project — 250 to 500 feet from a Macro Cell Tower


Public Health Crisis: Deaths and Illnesses at Petaluma Ave. and Walker Ave. Homes

Crown Castle Macro Cell Tower is 250 to 500 Feet From These Homes and Just 75 Feet from the Sonoma West Medical Center

Deaths . . .

Deceased 1 — lived about 260 ft. from the Cell Tower, from 2009 until her death in 2010
She was in her mid-forties and moved into PAH shortly after receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer. During the one year she lived here, she grew progressively worse until she needed special care and had to leave. She died shortly afterwards off-site.

Deceased 2 — lived about 260 ft. from the Cell Tower, from 2009 until his death in 2011
He was in his 60’s and had heart issues. He was found unconscious in his apartment. He died shortly afterwards off-site.

Deceased 3 — lived about 275 ft. from the Cell Tower, from 2009 until her death in 2015
She was in her 60’s when she moved in. She had osteoporosis that progressed to such a point she experienced continual excruciating pain and loss of full mobility. She died in her apartment.

Deceased 4 — lived about 275 ft. from the Cell Tower, from 2009 until his death in 2013
He was in his 60’s and had diabetes which progressed to the point where he became wheel chair bound. Eventually he had one leg then the other leg amputated. He died in the apartment.

Deceased 5 — lived about 350 ft. from the Cell Tower, from 2009 until her death in 2013
She was in her 20’s when she moved here and was healthy. She was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after the birth of her child around 2011. She died at age 33 and left a 2 ½ year old son. She died in her apartment.

Personal Accounts of Residents of Petaluma and Walker Avenues, Living Within 500 Feet of The Cell Tower

Current Illnesses . . .

Resident 1 — has lived about 260 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 50’s, first lived on the first floor close to the room that contains the three-story building’s bank of 48 “Smart Meters” for about two years. She then moved to the second floor unit closest to the cell tower. She suffers from severe migraines and vertigo.

Resident 2 — has lived about 275 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 80’s, developed heart issues after living five years in the third floor unit closest to the cell tower. She has electrical problems with her heart, just had her third surgical ablation and was recently in the ICU after coding.

Resident 3 — has lived about 300 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 70’s, lives on the second floor and is experiencing headaches, dizziness, fatigue, memory fog, inability to sleep through the night and bone/cartilage problems.

Resident 4 — has lived about 325 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She in her 40’s, lives on the first floor and has developed breast cancer since living there.

Resident 5 — has lived about 350 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2013
She is in her 70’s and lives on the second floor and has horrible sleep problems, cartilage/bone issues and experiences memory loss.

Resident 6 — has lived about 360 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 30’s and her family first lived in another building for two years and then moved to her present location, which is in direct line with the cell tower. She has been experiencing severe stomach disorder that was first diagnosed as cancer, has a lump near her breast – which is being monitored, has sleep issues, headaches and extreme fatigue. Her 8-year old has morning headaches and tinnitus. Her husband has headaches after 15 minutes and needs to leave their upstairs bedroom.

Resident 7 — has lived about 450 ft. and then 350 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 50’s and first lived on the second floor near the room that contains the three-story building’s bank of 48 “Smart Meters,” for about three years. Then she moved to the first floor closer to the cell tower. Since living here, she has developed a condition that has rendered her thyroid to no longer function. She is the mother of Resident 8.

Resident 8 — has lived about 450 ft. and then 550 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is now in her 20’s, moved into the second-floor unit with her mother at age 15 and lived there for four years. While at that apartment she had a cyst removed from her ovary at age 16. Also, while living there, she became pregnant and gave birth to her son. Her son coded three times after his birth and has had three surgeries for breathing issues. In 2013, she moved to another building. In February 2018, she had ovarian cancer surgery which removed a 15-pound tumor from her ovary at age 25.

Resident 9 — has lived about 450 ft. from the Cell Tower since 2010
She lives on the third floor. Her daughter is in her 20’s and has experienced debilitating fatigue after living here for four years.\

Resident 10 — has lived about 675 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 2012
Her son, now mid-teens, has developed bouts of dizziness, severe headaches, fatigue, stomach aches and anxiety since living here.

Resident 11 — has lived about 700 ft.. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her early 60’s and has been diagnosed with breast cancer since living here. She is experiencing on-going episodes of vertigo, migraines and tinnitus. Her daughter, now in her 20’s, has been experiencing headaches and fatigue.

Resident 12 — has lived about 725 ft.. from the Cell Tower, since 2009
She is in her 50’s and has had two skin cancer surgeries. Her daughter, now early teens, has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease.

Neighbors — have lived in a house about 475 ft. from the Cell Tower, since 1988
The woman told us the cell tower was built about 15 years ago and has been upgraded several times since then. She is in her 70’s, has Alzheimer’s and is losing her sight. Her husband, also in his 70’s has severe dementia.

Total RF-EMR Exposure Over Time Calculations for the Petaluma Ave. Homes in Sebastopol, CA

Sources: Nov-2018-Petaluma-Ave-Homes-RF-EMR-Exposure-Assessment and GigaHertz Solutions instructional video.

Summary Statistics of RF-EMR Exposures
of 3rd-story balcony, 350 feet from the Cell Tower

More detail here.

4,568,760,000 µW-Seconds/m² total RF-EMR exposure over 30 minutes: about 18,000 RF-EMR exposure readings,
estimating peak RF-EMR of 36,000,000 pulses (y-axis is µW/m²; x-axis is time)

457x higher than FCC RF-EMR Exposure Guideline of 10,000,000 µW/m². More detail here.

12,669,100 µW-Seconds/m² total RF-EMR exposure over 5 seconds: about 50 RF-EMR exposure readings,
estimating peak RF-EMR of 100,000 pulses (y-axis is µW/m²; x-axis is time)

1.3x higher than FCC RF-EMR Exposure Guideline of 10,000,000 µW/m². More detail here.

10x Adjustment for Peak RF-EMR Levels for High-Speed, Pulsed Digital Signals

The Federal Communications Commission, Crown Castle and the City of Sebastopol Have Been Alerted

Date: September 25, 2018

To: The FCC Commissioners

Ajit Pai
Michael O’Rielly Mike.O’
Brendan Carr
Jessica Rosenworcel

Re: A Personal Email To Consider . . . Deaths and Illnesses at Petaluma Ave. and Walker Ave. homes in Sebastopol, CA, 250-500 feet from a Crown Castle Cell Tower

Dear Mr. Pai,

I am asking you today to consider your family and their future lives — and the lives of all Americans — when you recognize that in 2018, the safety, privacy and property value hazards created by a peak RF Microwave Radiation measurement at ground level at 300 feet from a 4G Macro tower in Sebastopol, CA is very similar to the hazards from a peak RF-EMR measurement at ground Level at 100 feet from a so-called 4G “Small Cell” Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) in Santa Rosa, CA: see post | photo 1 | photo 2 | video.

At second- and third-story bedroom windows, the RF microwave radiation exposures are significantly higher

I hope that when you fully consider the consequences — deaths and illnesses, detailed in [C], below — and the property value casualties caused by so-called “Small Cells” that force residents to be exposed 24/7 to pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR), you will reconsider your vote tomorrow on WT-Dockets 17-79 and 17-84.

No alleged “Race” or “Streamlining” is worth creating deaths and illnesses of Americans, the very people that you are supposed to serve. To prevent these deaths and illnesses, the FCC could, instead, allow local communities to integrate broadband technology as they see fit — which, in many cases would be Fiber Optic to Homes (FTTH) — broadband technology for which Americans already paid, but never received — with just enough wireless for calls and texts.

Wireless video transmission is the energy-inefficient and hazardous choice. Wired video transmission (by fiber, coaxial or copper) is far superior: faster, more secure, more reliable, more energy-efficient (it is pulsed by light) and has no consumer hazards from RF microwave radiation exposures.

The levels of RF-EMR exposures that create these deaths and illnesses detailed in [C] are far below the FCC’s scientifically-unsound RF microwave radiation exposure guidelines (just 2% to 10% of the RF-EMR exposure guideline, in this case).

In light of this evidence, it is clear that the Wireless Industry and the FCC cannot lie to Americans’ biology; our body’s cells are not influenced by carefully-worded spin, but by the continuous peaks of RF-EMR. The science through 2018 is conclusive. There are biological effects from RF microwave radiation exposures at levels that are many thousands of times lower than the current RF-EMR exposure guidelines.

The Wireless industry knows this. So do you, which makes your 2018 statement to Senator Lankford — “We are confident that our [RF microwave radiation exposure] standards are ones that are healthy for consumers” — both misguided and intellectually dishonest.

The FCC’s attempt to write regulations that will more fully preempt local authority over the siting of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) creates a conflict in our laws and is inconsistent with the 1996 Telecommunications Act, as explained by the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (“NATOA”),the National League of Cities (“NLC”), the National Association of Counties (“NACo”), the United States Conference of Mayors (“USCM”) and the National Association of Regional Councils (“NARC”) in their 9/19/18 letter, attached.

In California, our City Council members take an oath to uphold and defend the California Constitution, Article I, Section 1 which lists Californians’ inalienable rights.

California Constitution:


SECTION 1. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety , happiness, and privacy.

SECTION. 2. (a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.

SECTION. 3. (a) The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.

Will you please consider the following evidence (especially that detailed in [C]), as you make your final decisions about tomorrow’s vote?

[A]. 2018: FCC Chair Ajit Pai Denies 4G and 5G RF Microwave Radiation Health Hazards to Congress

Pai: “We [the FCC] are not the health experts when it comes to these issues [4G and 5G RF microwave radiation deployment]. We have consulted, of course, with the Federal Food and Drug Administration and with others who are responsible for determining what those standards should be. We are confident that our standards are ones that are healthy for consumers.”

[B]. 2018: FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Appreciates 4G and 5G RF Microwave Radiation Health Hazards?

Rosenworcel: “Can I ask why we are removing someone who is behaving [fine in] the audience — right here, right now?”


Audience: “She wants to talk about the environmental effects, saying the Wireless radiation from cell towers causes cancer and neurological problems at levels far below our Federal RF microwave radiation guidelines”

Rosenworcel: “No, I appreciate that; I am just saying there is someone sitting here quietly and listening. I would just ask that we not remove people from the room, who are quietly listening.”

Audience: “What happened to the first amendment? The Ramazzini Institute results [released today] show that non-thermal RF microwave radiation exposures from cell towers causes two types of cancer: schwannomas of the heart and malignant glial brain tumors”

[C]. 2018: Public Health Crisis: Petaluma Ave Homes in Sebastopol, CA — detailed here:

  • Death and Illnesses at Petaluma Ave. and Walker Ave. homes in Sebastopol, CA 250-500 feet from a Crown Castle Cell Tower
  • A peak RF Microwave Radiation measurement at ground level at 300 feet from a 4G Macro tower in Sebastopol, CA is very similar to a peak RF-EMR measurement at ground Level at 100 feet from a so-called 4G “Small Cell” Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) in Santa Rosa, CA: see post | photo 1 | photo 2 | video

Thank you.

Date: September 4, 2018

To: Toni Debbis 877-486-9377

cc: Michael Carnacchi, Sebastopol City Council Member

Re: Crown Castle/AT&T Tower #856144 is Too Low

Hi, Toni.

Here are five of 16 photos that I took and posted on the web yesterday regarding Crown Castle/AT&T Tower #856144.

These photos show that this Macro Tower is so low to the ground, the four antennas directed to the Northwest are sending their beam of RF microwave radiation directly into the second and third story bedroom windows of 565 Petaluma Ave. Sebastopol CA where we have discovered serious health problems, cancer and deaths affecting many residents ranging in age from 14 to 80 years old. Yesterday, I measured peak RF microwave radiation exposures exceeding 1,000,000 µW/m² from the bedroom windows of this apartment building.

This problem exists because the base of the tower is 25+ feet lower than the parking lots of the hospital and apartment building.

Everyone would benefit (including AT&T) if Crown Castle raised the tower another 100 feet to prevent the direct beam of the RF microwave radiation from impacting these bedrooms like this, sending the signal over the apartment building. I am certain that the City of Sebastopol would cooperate with building permits to correct this obvious problem.

While we are considering that solution, would it be possible to turn off these four antennas that are facing Northwest (the ones pointed directly at the apartment building)? The residents would appreciate relief from these very high 24/7 RF microwave radiation exposures.

Thank you

Date: September 4, 2018

To: Sebastopol City Council Members

Michael Carnacchi
Patrick Slayter
Neysa Hinton
Sarah Glade Gurney
Una Glass
Larry Mclaughlin
Kari Svanstrom

Re: Crown Castle/AT&T Tower #856144 is Too Low — Implications for City of Sebastopol Wireless Code Updates


Hi. Michael et al.

You are welcome.

>>> On 9/4/18 Michael Carnacchi wrote:
> Thank You!
> Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 8:18:45 AM
> To: Michael Carnacchi

Subject: Re: Crown Castle/AT&T Tower #856144 is Too Low

> Hi, Michael
> Michael Carnacchi wrote:
>> “1,050,000 µW/m² peak RF microwave radiation exposures at 565 Petaluma Ave., Unit 370 — a third floor unit.”
>> What’s a safe level for comparison? Thanks…
> Up to 10 µW/m² might be OK, (0.02 µW/m² is all that is needed for five bars on a cell phone).

Beyond that, it is hazardous.

The 45-minute video from Sunday’s interviews will be posted on Youtube shortly. There are many sad outcomes at the Petaluma Avenue Homes, which is a “community created by the City of Sebastopol & Affordable Housing Associates.”

I hope that Crown Castle and the City of Sebastopol will address this problem with urgency. This problem is also very relevant to the upcoming changes to Sebastopol Municipal Wireless Code and Zoning Ordinances. Attached for your review, please find the revised Petaluma Municipal Wireless code.

We are asking Petaluma to further revise its code to include RF microwave radiation maximum power output limits. It doesn’t really matter what one’s current definitions are for “large” or “small” Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) or for “high” or “low” RF microwave radiation exposure levels. The only true Apples-to-Apples comparisons are the measurable power levels of RF microwave radiation exposures and the adverse health impacts caused by certain measurable power levels of RF microwave radiation exposures.

In short, one cannot lie to one’s biology, which reacts to the peaks of RF microwave radiation, even if the FCC rules say to measure average RF microwave radiation exposures (which understates the RF-EMR exposures by 100x-1000x or more —

This was explained fully to the City of Napa Mayor, City Council Members and residents at the 8/22/18 Napa Community Workshop to consider the facts regarding the 60 Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antenna – Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (CPMRA-WTFs), aka so-called “Small Cells” being proposed in Napa. —

The sad and devastating outcomes at the Petaluma Avenue Homes ( prove that the 1996 FCC RF microwave radiation exposure Guideline is not protective.

The City of Sebastopol can, therefore, choose its own RF microwave radiation exposure guideline (to be no higher than -75 dBM for any individual frequency and a power flux density that is no higher than 100 µW/m² for all frequencies for any area where people could be) to protect its residents. The City can do this because it has the duty and responsibility to regulate the operations of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs), per the 1996 Telecommunications Act,

In addition, the Sebastopol City Council members took oaths to uphold the California Constitution, quoted below.

California Constitution


SECTION 1. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.

SECTION. 2. (a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.

SECTION. 3.(a) The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.

Sebastopol Planning Commission — Meeting April 24, 2018

Scrub to 41:07 – 42:54 — Connie V.:

I live over in Petaluma Avenue Homes by the Hospital where that huge cell tower is located. I have lived there since the beginning, March 2009. Since then we have had five people pass away in that complex. Four women have been diagnosed with breast cancer and two have died. We now have a 12-year old who has been living there since 2009 and her mother has skin cancer and has had two operations. On top of that, we have had three other deaths from heart failure. I think that really needs to be looked into — I think that’s very important. Not a lot of people live in nine years of [such high RF microwave radiation exposures]. I came in healthy. I am one of the women with breast cancer. I fear for my daughter because her bedroom is right in front of all of the smart meters. I know we are just getting zapped all the time. I think about moving, but where am I going to move? I can’t afford it and there is a housing shortage.

Scrub to 2:06:15 – 2:09:15 — Paul G.:

Good evening, Planning Commissioners. You have a great opportunity to improve your Municipal Wireless Code and I encourage you to do it because if you just sit and stick with what you have, Verizon and AT&T would love to take you to court and establish whatever they wish to have for it. So this is the time to draw a line in the sand and say exactly what is the playing field upon which we will allow these companies to compete.

You have to understand a few basic principles. When you look at any of these [data-carrying] microwave transmissions, it’s a large pulse and then nothing, a large pulse and then nothing and a large pulse and then nothing. The FCC tries to hide this pulsing; they write rules that say ‘oh, let’s measure the average’, which reports maybe one or two [RF microwave radiation units], while one’s body experiences [pulses of RF microwave radiation] of 1,000 [radiation units] and 1,000 and 1,000, 217 times a second. That’s 434 evoke potentials [each second]. Your brain goes ‘what was that? what was that? what was that?’ — 24/7, 15 to 50 feet from someone’s home. Stop this.

Easy. If you want to move a large pile of data energy-efficiently, you are going to do it through fiber optic cable. Think about this. I am at home plate and you’re the centerfielder. You just ordered a 4k video. You want to catch the 4k video. What do I want to do? I want to throw that video, on-a-line, straight to you and it should get their once. You want all that data right to you once. That’s fiber optic cable.

What’s wireless? Oh, OK, I need that same 4k video. Give me all of this electricity, but I am going to lose 80% of my electricity just going up the pole for the conversions and when I am at the top of the pole? I am going to throw it — not just to you — I am going to throw it to the whole outfield, because that’s all I can do: throw a 60 degree spray of data through the air.

And when I do that? You’re going to say ‘I only caught a sliver of it. I don’t have enough, please send me more’ and I throw the video again and again and again. I am throwing it probably 50 times for you to catch it at 2 percent of it at a time — and where is the rest of it [the RF microwave radiation exposures] going? I am polluting the entire outfield, all the people in the stands and everyone outside of the park.

What you want to do is take a look at transmitting video because that is what this [4G/5G densification] is all about. And then you want to say ‘Hello Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. Do you want to compete by offering a video service in our town? Cool. Lay cable, just like Comcast. That’s how we compete in Sebastopol. [applause] We are only about having Wireless for making emergency calls.’

And when you do that there are standards: is there or is there not a significant gap in coverage? We have already enterered into the public record evidence that shows that there is no siginficant gap in Verizon coverage. I invite you all to watch that video. Verizon has to prove that they have a significant gap in coverage, which they have not done in this application, and when they do, they must use the least instrusive means to close that gap. What is that? A nice tall cell phone tower far away from where people live sleep and heal. That’s the least instrusive means. Thank you. [Applause]

Full Public Comments

  • 00:12:30 – 00:25:00 — Public Comments on Non-Agendized Items, Group A
  • 00:25:00 – 00:36:40 — Public Comments on Non-Agendized Items, Group B
  • 00:37:00 – 00:43:00 — Public Comments on Non-Agendized Items, Group C
  • 01:23:55 – 01:39:25 — Planning Director Presentation re: Wireless Municipal Code Update
  • 01:39:25 – 01:52:40 — Planning Commission Questions of Planning Director
  • 01:52:55 – 02:06:10 — Public Comments on Wireless Municipal Code Update, Group A
  • 02:06:10 – 02:13:10 — Public Comments on Wireless Municipal Code Update, Group B
  • 02:13:15 – 02:23:55 — Public Comments on Wireless Municipal Code Update, Group C

Sebastopol City Council — Meeting August 7, 2018

Scrub forward to comments about Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antenna – Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (CPMRA-WTFs) at the following time codes:

  • 02:54:05 – 02:57:20 — No Significant Gaps in Verizon Coverage and Excessive RF microwave radiation exposures at one apartment building, Petaluma Avenue Homes in Sebastopol: peak RF-EMR exposures of 111,700 µW/m²
  • 04:21:40 – 04:24:25 — Protecting Residential Zones in Sebastopol from CPMRA-WTF installations

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