5G Day of Action

MORE INFO/CONTACT: FB “STOP 5G CALIFORNIA” & www.electrosmogprevention.org


Bring: a large sign that says “Stop 5G” or anything you feel pertinent on the topic; a short statement in case you are interviewed by the press; a hat, sunscreen, water, and as many people as you can bring along with you! We will be there during noon-hour traffic and should have lots of exposure. I will issue a press release the week before and see about a permit if need be with the police dept. (I don’t think it is needed if we don’t block the sidewalk). We’ll be meeting near the fountain facing the harbor.

Parking will require getting there early and you may or may not be able to park in the County below-ground parking lot on Ash Street, near Harbor. Bring lots of change for meters or a debit/credit card if you must park outside the complex.

See where all the rallies are being held in the USA at http://5gcrisis.com, with further info.

Please RSVP ASAP, by replying to this email. A simple “I will be there!” in the subject line will do. If you wish to help, circulate the flyer far and wide (within SD County) on social media and by email. Any questions, email me!

With warm regards,

Susan Brinchman, Director
Center for Electrosmog Prevention, a 501c3 nonprofit
PO Box 655, La Mesa, CA, USA


Posted in: 5G

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