Alarming 1980 French Study Shows Rats Exposed to 5G-Type Pulsed Microwave Radiation Develop Severe Reproductive Dysfunction

The following study is one of many that clearly indicate severe reproductive issues are to be expected as a result of exposure to wireless devices.  This goes for all species.  Wireless radiation is destroying our ability to create life.


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Translated by Claire Edwards

Research centre for independent information and research on electromagnetic radiation]:

Alarming study on rats exposed to 5G-type pulsed frequencies

Pierre Le Ruz presented his research findings at an international symposium (URSI-CNFRS, “Electromagnetic Waves and Biology), in Jouy-en-Josas, in July 1980, organized by the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the Bioeletromagnetics Society (BEMS-USA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The research results were considered to be alarming.

White laboratory rats exposed from birth for 15 days (neonatal period) to pulsed (500Hz) microwave radiation (3.5 GHz) with a power density of 5 milliWatts per square centimetre (5 mw/cm2) or 11.5 V/m electric field frequency, exhibited the following irreversible disorders in adulthood:

  1. A significant reduction in body weight, adrenal glands, testes (male) and ovaries (females).

  2. A dysfunction of spermatogenesis characterized by abnormalities in the cellular structure of the testes and by the appearance of many abnormal sperm.

  3. A significantly elevated change in reproductive hormones in the blood plasma, which indicated that the physiological functioning of this function was disrupted.

The study concluded that microwave exposure of the neonatal white laboratory rat permanently disturbed the physiology of reproduction (gonadotrope function), the physiology of stress adaptation function (corticotrope function), and also affected the hypothalamic neuro-vegetative system in the adult animal.

The most important question, which is still raised today, is the following:


Are scientific studies on laboratory animals transposable to the human species?

As early as 1980, Pierre Le Ruz believed that his experimental results should be translated into the risk-management framework and that the intensive use of new microwave-emitting technologies by young children or even teenagers should be discouraged.

Cells of the testes of non-exposed male rats (left) compared to those of exposed male rats (right)

Same type of exposure as by 5G technology today

Figure 22: CL of testicle of 15-day-irradiated rat at birth and aged 90 days (A = x 90; B = x 270).

Figure 23: CL of testicle of control rat aged 90 days (A = x 90; B = x 270).

Source: PhD thesis (3rd cycle) of Pierre Le Ruz, defended 6 November 1980 at the University of Rennes 1.

The experimental data were then analysed by computer using correspondence factor analysis, known as the BENZECRI method [developed by Jean-Paul Benzécri in the 1960s and 1970s].

This analysis established that there are close connections between the specific, non-thermal biological effects observed and the electromagnetic radiation of microwaves.

Pierre Le Ruz’s whole study was submitted to ANSES [French health and safety authority] in November [2020] in order to complete the list of studies that will be taken into account during the preparation of the next report of ANSES on the potential health impact of 5G technology on the population.


Fréquences 5G : en 1980, une étude jugée alarmante chez les rats exposés aux hyperfréquences

CRIIREM [Centre de recherche et d’information independant sur les rayonnements electroniques /

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