MA Board of Health Tells Verizon to Remove Cell Tower Due to Health Complaints from Residents – Will Verizon Comply?

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By B.N. Frank

Residents of a Massachusetts neighborhood have been complaining for several months about health issues they’ve been experiencing since a Verizon cell tower was activated near their homes.  The Board of Health has finally told Verizon to remove it.

From Environmental Health Trust:

Massachusetts Pittsfield Board of Health to Verizon: Remove the cell tower

Board to Verizon: Remove cell tower

BY DICK LINDSAY of The Berkshire Eagle

PITTSFIELD — Remove the South Street cell tower, or relocate it.

Online link Board to Verizon: Remove cell tower

Excerpts from the article 

“The Pittsfield Board of Health personally has asked Verizon Wireless to dismantle the communications structure at 877 South St. because of a number of neighbors apparently getting sick, some seriously, from a variety of illnesses, cancer possibly being one of them.

After a meeting via Zoom with Verizon representatives last month to discuss the potential health risks of the tower, city health officials said residents shouldn’t get their hopes up that the tower will be gone.

“We flat out asked them, ‘Are you willing to consider removing the tower or relocating it?’” Andy Cambi, the city’s interim health director, said during the board’s monthly meeting Wednesday. Cambi and board member Brad Gordon, who both met with Verizon, said the communications giant will consider the request, but Gordon said “it was unlikely” it would be honored.”

Read the rest of the story at Berkshire Eagle

 Watch video of Board of Health Meeting 

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans from the telecom and cable industries.  Instead the agency has catered to them for decades (see 1, 2, 3), hence the numerous lawsuits filed against it (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Decades of peer-reviewed published research has determined that exposure to radiation from cell towers and other wireless infrastructure and devices is biologically and environmentally harmful (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  In fact, American firefighter unions are opposed to cell towers and antennas being installed at their stations.

In May of this year, scientists submitted a letter to President Biden asking him to protect the public from unsafe wireless technology including 5G.  Instead, he committed to adding more.  Of course, he’s not the only American legislator to do so.

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