Birds Are Dropping Dead by the Thousands Around the World

Friends – are you beginning to understand the severity of the situation we find ourselves in?  Do you realize how the use of wireless devices is causing the destruction of innocent living things. When you signed on to get your cell phone and wifi router, did you know you were agreeing to be part of a satanic agenda to destroy life?  Well now you know, so please do something to change what is happening.  Get rid of all wireless devices and switch over to wired internet.  This shit has got to stop.


Excerpt from recent newsletter from Arthur Firstenberg

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On the Dutch island of Texel…a large breeding colony of seabirds called Sandwich terns (“great terns” in Dutch) made headline news last month by dying. Of the 7,000 birds nesting in the De Petten nature reserve until the end of May, none were left by the middle of June.  3,000 avian corpses were collected, and the rest either died or abandoned their nests…
The first 35 dead terns at De Petten were found on May 29, 2022. There are three cell towers on the edge of the reserve, and actually in the territory which the terns inhabit… 18 new 4G antennas had just been added to those towers…  According to my research, there are a total of 105 4G antennas within 7 miles of De Petten that are aimed directly at it…
Another large breeding colony of Sandwich terns made headlines a bit later, and for the same reason: the one at Waterdunen… Waterdunen hosted 7,000 pairs of terns that flew up from Africa to breed there this spring. But on June 24, 2022, it was reported that 4,600 dead adult and young Sandwich terns had been collected there during the previous two weeks. By the end of June, this colony no longer existed.
The nature reserve at Waterdunen has 318 heavily-used 4G antennas aimed in its direction from distances of from 0.5 to 8 miles. Most of these emit between 1,000 and 2,000 watts of radiation each. 46 of these antennas are new, having been added to existing towers in April, May and June 2022. One 55-foot tower less than 2 miles down the beach from Waterdunen was upgraded on May 18, 2022 from 6 antennas to 12 and from 2 frequencies to 4. Another, 40-foot tower in the same location was upgraded on June 22, 2022 from 6 antennas to 18 and from 2 frequencies to 6.
Likewise in France… at the Platier d’Oye nature reserve near the port of Calais, a colony of 3,000 Sandwich terns began nesting in April. The first 100 dead birds were discovered on May 20, and within a few weeks the colony was almost completely wiped out.
The situation at Platier d’Oye is similar to that further north in Texel: dozens of new 4G and 5G antennas were added near the reserve during the months of May and June. 3 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 90-foot cell tower bordering the reserve. Another 6 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 140-foot tower about two miles to the southeast. Another 6 new 4G antennas and 6 new 5G antennas were added to an existing 95-foot tower about two miles to the east. At this writing there are the astounding number of 355 antennas of all kinds on 26 towers at 13 locations ranging from 10 feet tall to 255 feet tall within ­­­about 4 miles of this nature reserve.


Arthur Firstenberg, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” cried Chicken Little. And the sky fell, and no one listened, and all was still, Jul 28, 2022.


2 thoughts on “Birds Are Dropping Dead by the Thousands Around the World”

  1. I am a electronics engineer and medcial doctor working in electrobiology over 40 years.
    There is a pattern in all EMF terror publications that do no touch the real science necessary for conclusive and definitive evidence regarding the effects of exposure we have concluded.
    The non peer reviewed papers by nearly all are amateurish including the stupid “dirty electricity” of Havas, Graham, Seltzer (to sell junk filters), Pall’s “ion channels”, and on and on. None of their “writings” had the necessary scientific integrations or were peer reviewed. Building biology references and citations and recently appearing meter reader academies that issue certificates are all laughable (idiotic).

    1. Your belief system is what is laughable Tech Head. Please take it somewhere else. You have nothing of value to contribute to this website or conversation.

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