Wind Turbines – Infrasound – Making Animals Violently Insane

Friends – I hope you are starting to understand the full-scale war that has been levied across the Earth with both wireless devices and heavily promoted “clean” and “green” technologies like solar and wind turbines.  This is no joke.  The creatures responsible for creating these hideous technologies are coming at us full speed now to destroy life on Earth.  Are we going to just sit back and let it happen?


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How close can wind turbines be sited near back in inhabited localities? Reports of adverse health noise emissions from wind turbines in Denmark already have led to a dramatic slowdown in the pace of expansion.

Few wind turbines are being erected in Denmark out of fear the infrasound produced by the turbines harm human health. A government investigation is ongoing. German authorities have the problem down yet.


In the first test, the animals began to scream. “You blew with a shrill screech in their cages and they began to bite each other,” says Kaj Bank Olesen, Nerzzüchter in Vildbjerg, Denmark.

When his vet at dawn, the police called in the municipality Herning to let off New wind turbines behind the Olesen Farm, already half a dozen animals dead in their cages. More than 100 inflicted deep wounds on each other so deep wounds that they had to be killed.

The incidents at the Olesen mink farm on the night of December 6, 2013, unsettled many of the ecologically-oriented Danes. Wind power sick? Generating turbines oscillations below the audibility, may cause animals to go crazy and may also impair the health of humans?


Could what the Danes are currently experiencing also threaten Germany? A wind turbine in this country does not rotate differently. The local manufacturers of turbines, blades and steel towers are alarmed. Germany is currently experiencing an unprecedented level flight: 1766 wind turbines were rebuilt last year in Germany, more than ever before. This year, as many will be added. Could the boom end soon?

Meanwhile there have been more than 500 citizen initiatives against wind power projects. They are frequently arguing to German licensing authorities that the noise emissions from wind turbines are pleading the health of residents at risk. The fear that now prevails in Denmark can quickly spread to Germany.


Animals bite dead always at West Wind

Kaj Bank Olesen is a blond two-meter giant with a flushed face from sun and wind. “I do not think there will be this farm in two years from now,” he says, referring to his own house, which is now considered uninhabitable and therefore not for sale.

Since the four wind turbines are next door, his wife and he spend night sleeping in their summer cottage retreat 50 kilometers away. Olesen complained of breathing problems, headaches and a feeling of tightness in the chest. The complaints come from the sound waves of wind turbines, it holds for granted. The animals have not responded.

Olesen holds 25,000 minks in elongated, flat stables. A profession that not just enjoys high reputation in Denmark. “My ethics require that I tend to the animals every night and that they are good,” he says. But the animals, there is no longer good. Always at Westwind the females bite her cubs dead. Other newborns have birth defects. Olesen believes that the low-frequency sound of the wind turbines that is inaudible to human makes the animals crazy.

The four rotor towers behind his court are just 561 meters away from the house. This is four times the height of the wind turbines in Denmark which is prescribed as the minimum distance from residential buildings. He is rarely at the house. The distance does not apply to animal stables, The next wheel rotates 320 meters from the Nerzkäfigen.

After the first mating season, Olesen had approximately 500 of the 4500 Nerzweibchen miscarriages and stillbirths. “Normally, the average is 20 spontaneous abortions,” says Olesen, while he goes through a dimly lit corridor of his tool shed. In the end, he opens a two-meter freezer: Therein lies some 2,000 thumb-sized dead Nerzwelpen.


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