The Hidden Causes of Autism – Upcoming Live Webinar


What the Medical Establishment Will Never Tell You and What We Can Do to Help Autistic Children Now and Prevent Autism in the Future

Upcoming Webinar – June 20, 2023 – 5pm EDT

Dear friends,

As you may already know, the month of April has been designated as “Autism Awareness Month” and/or “Autism Acceptance Month” by the mainstream media and the medical establishment.

This is because autism is now afflicting at least 1 in 36 children in the U.S., with 1 in 27 boys diagnosed with autism and 1 in 6 children diagnosed with a “developmental disability” (i.e., a term used to cover-up the extent of the autism epidemic).

In an attempt to minimize the severity of this situation and pacify an increasingly agitated populace, the media and certain members of the medical establishment have called for a “celebration” of the autism reality.

Seriously.  I am not making this up.  Please see below.


However, despite the pretense involved in their attempt to normalize and cheer-on the autism epidemic, it is essential for us to acknowledge that there is nothing normal or OK about the ever-increasing neurological and genetic damage we are seeing in children today. In fact, the autism epidemic is a clear indication that something is terribly wrong in our society that is causing the destruction of our children and our future.

I hope you will agree that it is imperative for us to get to the bottom of what is causing this epidemic so we can put a halt to the damage, prevent further harm, and find ways to support the children who have already been diagnosed with this disorder.

The medical establishment has had decades to move forward in addressing the root causes of this problem.  Yet they have steadfastly done nothing to pinpoint and reveal the underlying causes of this epidemic, indicating that they either do not care (perhaps because autism has become such a lucrative industry for those seeking to capitalize on human suffering), and/or they are trying to hide something.

In fact, this webinar will address the fact that the medical establishment itself is a driving force behind the manifestation of autistic children.  

Thousands of parents have already attested to the fact that vaccines contributed to their children becoming seriously ill and/or slipping over the edge into autism.

However, what most people have not yet realized is the fact that the groundwork for autism is being laid in the womb. The medical protocols involved in “prenatal care” are a primary culprit, as are the rituals involved in hospital birth.  This is something we will discuss at length during this upcoming webinar.

When we study the topic of autism (and other developmental issues in children), it becomes clear that something happened in the 1970s to trigger a cataclysmic rise in neurological damage to babies.

So the question is… what happened between 1970 and 1995 that caused autism rates to exponentially jump from 1 in 10,000 children to 1 in 1,000 by the year 1995?

And what happened between the years 1995 and 2000 that caused autism rates to exponentially jump again from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 150?

What is it that is causing autism rates to continue to escalate year after year, to the point that millions of children are now afflicted, and there is no end in sight?

This webinar will answer the above questions and will not shy away from the facts.

Not only will we be discussing medical involvement in the creation of autism, but we will also address how we, ourselves, are contributing to the problem and what we can do to make adjustments in our own lives to put a halt to this epidemic and help the children who have already been diagnosed with autism.

Now is the time for people to come together and collectively address the root causes of autism that have led to a lifetime of debilitating health and relational issues, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, neurological dysfunction, brain damage, etc. for so many innocent children.

If you are the parent of an autistic child, or if you are someone who is considering becoming a parent, please consider participating in this webinar.

Those who are concerned about the welfare of children and families, and/or those who care deeply about the future of our Earth and our society, are also encouraged to attend.


Cost for the program is $79.  To register, please click here


PS – If you are experiencing severe financial hardship but would still like to attend this webinar, please email me at

2 thoughts on “The Hidden Causes of Autism – Upcoming Live Webinar”

  1. I have paid for the webinar today but have not received a confirmation email as yet.
    I am in Australia with a +14 hour time difference.
    Can the webinar video be downloaded to watch again later?
    Alternatively if I am unable to join on the day could I have a copy of the video instead?
    I really need this information. I have one adult son and three grandchildren with autism.
    Thank you
    Elisabeth Medlin

    1. Dear Elisabeth – I did receive your registration and you should now have the mp4 video recording in your email inbox. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you.

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