Friends, I do not know what it will take for Mankind to pull it’s head out of its ass and deal with the radiation assault that now threatens to destroy all life. Innocent living beings are DYING — including our children and pets — yet people go on about their wireless lifestyle as if they own the universe and do not have to take responsibility for the millions of creatures they have participated in murdering. The situation makes me sick to my stomach and has got to end. The more time that goes by, the more I am convinced that it WILL end with the bulk of humanity leaving this Earth for good. They’ll be leaving precisely because they agreed to expose themselves to massive amounts of radiation for purposes of “convenience” and because they were foolish enough to allow themselves to be injected with self-assembling nanotechnology so that they themselves have become part of the wireless grid. See here for more info on that.
Once the wireless addicts are all gone then the rest of nature will breathe a sigh of relief as the only humans left will be those that gave a shit and let go of all noxious wireless devices.
Please see here, here, here, and here for just a taste of what we humans have accomplished in a very short time in terms of destroying other life forms. And then please read the update below that I received this morning in my email from NY4whales. The spiritual and mental illness that now plagues Mankind is taking a very serious toll on innocent life forms. It has got to come to an end.

In mid-October 2019, the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Hawai’i, The Nature Conservancy, the American Bird Conservancy, Pacific Bird Conservation, and San Diego Zoo Global, attached VHF radio transmitters to the legs of 10 kiwikiu before releasing them into the Nakula Natural Area Reserve, on the southern slope of Haleakalā volcano. Kiwikiu, a species of honeycreepers found only on Maui, are critically endangered. They are small, weighing less than an ounce. Fewer than 150 of these intelligent, long-lived little birds remain.
The birds — some captive-raised and some wild — were released into the forest between October 27 and October 30, 2019. By November 16, every bird was dead except the three who had succeeded in removing or disabling their transmitter. The details are shocking.
“[I]t was not clear if these birds could have contracted the disease in Nakula NAR as these birds developed symptoms more rapidly than is typical and died more rapidly than has been reported for other honeycreepers.”
They went on to speculate:
“The necropsies found parasites in multiple organ systems indicating a severe systemic infection that had moved out of the blood stream into other tissues. This could be the result of increased replication of the malaria parasite following some change in the immune system of the birds, such as in response to environmental stress.”
The environmental stress that they did not consider was the radiation from the VHF transmitters that they attached to the birds.
A correspondent in Alberta wrote to me last year:
“Prior to me being aware of the dangers I had a tracking collar for my beagle as he was a little bit of an escape artist. Unfortunately after having worn it for a while (3 months or so) with it on only while he was outside he started to develop joint pains and was not walking right. The vet said he had a common beagle issue of his spine starting to compress and cause problems. Right around the same time I was learning of the dangers of all these wireless devices and got rid of his tracker. He was off pain killers and back to normal in under a month and the issue has never returned.”
Nor did the Bird Recovery team consider the radiation from the giant antenna farm towering over the Nakula Natural Area Reserve atop Puʻu ʻUlaʻula (Red Hill). There are 159 antennas on 20 telecommunication towers on top of that hill blasting the Nakula reserve with cell phone, internet, radio, television, government, police, military and other signals. The Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) facility is there. The authors of the Bird Recovery report wondered why it is that the wild kiwikiu choose to remain in the small 7,413-acre Hanawī Natural Area Reserve on the windward slope of the volcano and do not stray over the top to the leeward slope where they would be more sheltered from the elements. It is because in the Hanawī reserve the crest of the volcano above them blocks all the radiation from that antenna farm and cell phones do not even work where they live.
Since the failure of the relocation project, efforts to save the kiwikiu from extinction have focused on releasing billions of bacteria-infected mosquitoes onto Maui in a misguided attempt to save the birds by eradicating avian malaria from the island. As of this writing, a lawsuit against the mosquito project, filed by Hawai’i Unites, is being heard by Hawai’i’s Environmental Court. Not only will importing billions of mosquitoes, however altered, into the national park and nature reserves of eastern Maui only make the situation worse for the birds; not only could it backfire and further spread malaria instead of eradicating it; but no solution is possible for this or any other species of rare bird as long as we as a society continue in our denial about the radiation disaster that we are inflicting on our planet from every direction.
In 2017, Mark Broomhall wrote a 38-page Report for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization that shines a bright light on why the kiwikiu have retreated to the high elevations of the northern slope of Haleakalā volcano in Maui, and what must be done to protect them. The following is from his summary of his years of observation of the birds and wildlife on Mount Nardi in the Nightcap National Park World Heritage Area in Australia. That mountain, on which he lived for 40 years, has telecommunication towers on its summit:
“It wasn’t until the Analogue Era was drawing to a close, along with the advent of digital wireless technology in the years 2002 to 2004, that I began to notice a decline in insect diversity and population. This period was at the back-end of a prolonged nationwide drought and there was much talk of global warming.
“Initially, I attributed the insect decline to these events. I later learnt of ‘mobile phone pulsed microwave technology’ and understood from press reports that this was being installed on Mt. Nardi. This technology is named universally by the industry, the press, and the public at large, as ‘3G.’ With this knowledge, I began to suspect that perhaps something else was happening on Mt. Nardi. At the same time, further additions included Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) technology.
“In the year 2009, enhanced 3G technology was installed and a further 150 pay television channels were added to the tower. Following these additions, I witnessed the exodus of 27 bird species from Mt. Nardi while simultaneously, insect volumes and species variety dropped dramatically.
“In late 2012 and early 2013, with the construction of a new tower in the complex and the introduction of a 600,000-watt generator, the system was upgraded to what became universally known as “4G.” Immediately after, I witnessed the rapid exodus of a further 49 bird species. From this time, all locally known bat species became scarce, 4 common species of cicada almost disappeared, as well as the once enormous, varied population of moths & butterfly species. Frogs and tadpole populations were drastically reduced; the massive volumes and diverse species of ant populations became uncommon to rare.”