Tom Wheeler is the man responsible for pushing 5G in the U.S. He has since stepped down and his predecessor, Ajit Pai, is equally evil. Both men deserve to be executed for treason and for their deliberate attempts to destroy humanity and our world through radiation poisoning. These men are evil to the core.
The pushback is happening at warp speed. I do believe the FCC is about to take a huge hit as the people rise together to halt the unregulated rollout of 5G and the unabashed attempt to destroy humanity and all of life.
The time to rid the Earth of this evil is at hand. Enough is enough.
Source: Statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors CEO & Executive Director Tom Cochran on FCC’s Order Proposing to Usurp Local Property Rights
Washington, DC—Below is a statement by U.S. Conference of Mayors CEO and Executive Director Tom Cochran on recent FCC proposals diminishing local government ownership rights over local rights-of-way and other public property: