Can I Get a Show of Hands?

Dear friends –

I would like to ask for your input. Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling more and more concerned about how long it is taking me to complete my second book, “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation.” There is an urgency that I am feeling to get the information out to the public because the future of Mankind, and especially our children, depends on people learning The Truth about this hideous technology and the dangers of non-ionizing radiation.

I am also feeling anxious to get this information out to the world because I am experiencing a serious health issue called “microwave illness.” In some moments, the symptoms are so intense that I wonder if I will be around long enough to complete this book.  The following diagram shows several of the symptoms of microwave illness.  My heart is currently the most intense symptom.  Do you or your loved ones have any of these symptoms?


Because of the intensity of what I am experiencing physically, and because I want to make sure that people have access to this information, what I am thinking of doing is separating the book into two parts and offering Part 1 in PDF format right away. The book is currently about 550 pages long, with 150 pages of the book being citations. Splitting the book into two parts would mean that Part 1 will be about 200 pages of material, plus another 75 pages of citations (give or take a few). Part 1 will contain the following chapters:

  • Introduction

  • What is Ultrasound? – Ultrasound IS Radiation

  • What is Radiation?

  • Artificial vs. Natural Radiation

  • No Discernible Difference Between Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation

  • A Single Exposure to Ultrasound Causes DNA Damage Similar to 250 X-Rays

  • Ultrasonic Heating and Birth Defects

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation Boiling the Internal Contents of our Babies While Leaving No Sign of Damage on the Skin

  • Infertility – Ultrasound Stops Sperm Production and Irradiates All the Female Eggs – Genetic Damage Gets Passed on for Ten Generations and Beyond

  • In Utero Growth Retardation – FDA Finds Ultrasound Causes Low Birth Weight – Raises Allowable Output Limits Anyway

  • Is Non-Ionizing Radiation Safe? Definitely Not!

Part 2 is still being written but so far it contains a few personal stories from parents who received false positive ultrasound diagnoses (ultrasound is notorious for false positives) and the impact this had on their children and their families.

Part 2 also contains a detailed chapter on the link between ultrasonic irradiation in utero and the resulting genetic and brain damage that is contributing to the autism epidemic (as well as other neurodevelopmental disorders).

Another chapter in Part 2 of the book explores the increasing rates of infant and early childhood hearing loss (babies can hear these frequencies and they are LOUD) and the fact that manmade ultrasonic (and microwave) frequencies can seriously damage the ears.

Additionally, Part 2 addresses childhood cancers like leukemia and the fact that ultrasound can not only contribute to the development of cancer, but can literally burn the bones of both children and adults. Ultrasound can actually LIQUIFY bone.

The medical establishment is literally cooking our children with ultrasound, boiling the blood, lymph, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid (that totally surrounds the brain), and more. Of course, parents and other adults are also contributing to the cooking of the children by using microwave technologies like cell phones, cordless phones, wifi routers, baby monitors, microwave ovens, etc. All forms of manmade radiation are harmful.

We and our children are in great danger at this time. It is imperative for people to learn the facts. Part 2 of the book will discuss what we can do to correct the damage being done from these technologies.

Please let me see a show of hands from people who would be interested to purchase a PDF copy of Part 1 of the book for $15. Everyone that does this will receive a $10 discount on the paperback version of the book when it is finally published. The cost for the paperback will be $35, but if you purchase the PDF, your cost will be $25..

If I receive enough of a positive response from people desiring the PDF version of Part 1, I will work furiously to have it ready in January of 2019.

Please spread this information widely so I can get a true sense of interest. Thank you for your support.

PS – If you are feeling generous this holiday season and would like to support my work, I would be HUGELY grateful. Please let me know if you are interested to make a donation. Email  Paypal recently deleted my account for unexplained reasons, presumably because I am a “truther.” But no matter what they do or how difficult they make it for us to spread the Truth, it is nevertheless being made known and I will continue to do my part in getting the information out there. My RadiationDangers website is part of that promise.

Donations would be greatly appreciated at this time. Checks and/or money orders to:

Jeanice Barcelo
PO Box 1213
W. Babylon, NY 11704

For overseas friends, please email me privately and I will share with you easy and very inexpensive ways to transfer money from far away.

Also, please take a look at my other website where I am having a pre-Christmas sale on all parenting courses (see here and here) during which I address the radiation issue and help my students understand how important this is and how to clean up their environments.

My first book, “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine,” and my double DVD set, “Pornography and the Attack on Human Love” are also on sale. Please do take advantage of these offers if you are at all interested in my work.

Thank you for your support!

May your holiday season be filled with magic and wonder and lots of hugs and smiles.

All the best,


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