Event – Keeping Your Child Safe In A High Tech World – Jan 15, 2019

Keeping Your Child Safe In A High Tech WorldCatherine Kleiber, Independent Researcher, Author and Webmaster of www.ElectricalPollution.com

6:30pm on January 15, 2019 Lakeview Lutheran Church
4001 Mandrake, Madison, WI
On the corner of Mandrake and Northport Drive

In order to keep your child safe, you need to go beyond the technology industry’s hype about the benefits of their products and learn about the the very real dangers they can pose to your child.

The addictive potential of screens and their apps is being exposed by ex-industry employees and mental health professionals treating children.

Scientists researching the safety of the radiation emitted by wireless devices are saying, “The various agencies setting safety standards have failed to impose sufficient guidelines to protect the general public, particularly children who are more vulnerable to the effects of EMF [which includes radiation emitted by wireless technology].” (www.EMFscientist.org)

Learn how to protect your children and yourself.

Use these flyers to get the word out: color & black and white.

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