EMF Sanctuaries Around the Globe

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The CommonsBy Kim Goldberg

I will add additional electro-safe sanctuaries and potential sanctuaries to this list as I come across them.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the places listed below are not yet built or open. Others may not be as free from signal as they need to be, or as they once were. This list is simply a starting point for you in your search for safe haven. Most electrosensitive people are finding there is no safe haven anywhere that is ready and waiting to take them. Rather, people need to go out and find or create a safe haven for themselves.

Facebook now has two groups devoted to bringing people together to locate and create EMF-Free Sanctuaries:

B.C. and Canadian Wireless-Free Zones (Closed Group – you must join to read messages and post): https://www.facebook.com/groups/661015143934586/

Wireless-Free Living Communities (Open Group – you can read messages without joining): https://www.facebook.com/groups/571481532909496/

And here is a website for people seeking to find (or to advertise) EMF-safe living locations worldwide: http://radiationrefuge.com/

If you know of additional EHS sanctuaries to be added to the list below, you can share them with me by email (goldberg@ncf.ca) or by leaving a comment at the bottom of this page.


BRITISH COLUMBIA: Cedar Rock: Oasis for Quiet Living near Osoyoos, BCA 320-acre property located 50 km east of Osoyoos, BC, on Hwy 3. This sanctuary has not yet been built. It is in the planning stage, and the vision is quite large and impressive. See website for details. Cedar Rock is intended to be a “regenerative community” primarily for people with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). But it will also meet the needs of EHS people. There will be no wireless technology permitted anywhere on the acreage. (March 2017: Not yet operational)

NOVA SCOTIA: Forest Hill Retreat – 150 acres of privately owned forested land on Grassy Lake in Forest Hill, Nova Scotia. The owners say the property is suitable for people with Electrosensitivity (EHS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). They are hoping to rent pieces of land to people, who will then set up their own dwellings on it. What the owners say: “An important criteria for our plans is that everybody can afford a life in Forest Hill, regardless of their budget. That’s why we have chosen a form of living that is often chosen in Canada and the US for trailer parks. Everyone who wants to be part of our retreat can rent a piece of land and put their own mobile home, trailer, tent, camper or whatever you need or want on the land. Each lot has access to water, power, the sewer and a road. The lots are spacious and allow the future inhabitants to choose the style of their future home and to create a nice yard according to their desires.” Visit the website for more information and to request a free brochure.


WEST VIRGINIA: Green Bank, West Virginia (General Information) – Not a formal EHS sanctuary, but a small community that is located within the U.S. National Radio Quiet Zone, established in 1958 to shield the radio astronomy telescopes there from radio interference. Read the BBC News article: “Wi-fi refugees shelter in West Virginia mountains”. Read the Slate.com article: “Refugees of the Modern World”. See next entry for a specific Green Bank rental property available to EHS people. Visit this Facebook Group before visiting or moving to Green Bank, so you will know how to prepare, and what is available there: “Radio Quiet Zone, Green Bank.”

WEST VIRGINIA: Green Bank EMF-Safe Rentals Jim Reese and his wife live on 5.5 acres of land just one mile from the radio telescope within Green Bank, WV. Jim says: ” Our rentals are on our land. The best place to be for EMF safety in Green Bank is anywhere within two miles of the telescope which is where these rentals are. There is pristine clean air, clean well water, EMF-safe living, organic foods and peace and quiet. Our land is surrounded by many acres of open land.” Here is the website that tells all about what is available and more. www.emfsaferentalgreenbank.com Please go to this website before contacting them. Contact Jim by email at: docjtr@att.net or by phone at: 304-456-4525.

CALIFORNIA: Silent Dome Spa in Grass Valley, California – This “EMF silent house” may soon be complete and taking bookings. Contact the owner via the website for details about availability. The house is located in the Sierra Nevada mountains, ten miles south of Grass Valley and more than two miles from any phone masts. All power to the house is filtered. The house has a combination of DC powered LED lights and low EMF emission appliances, with EMF-silent computers. According to the owner: “This home is intended to give EMF sensitives a place to detox from symptoms, to get EM testing, and to meet other sensitives. The long-term goal is to publicize the techniques to cope with this condition, particularly nutrition, clothing, and other healing modalities. When six people occupy the 3-bedroom house, per night cost is competitive with Motel 6.”

COLORADO: EM Sensitivity Research Institute in Rockvale, Colorado – This facility is still in the planning stages. According to the website: “The Institute would be located on a campus of 59 acres of presently undeveloped land in Rockvale, Colorado where the ambient fields are relatively low. Sensitives would travel to the Institute and live in specially built cabins. These cabins will operate on 24 VDC and perhaps 380 VDC, but no 60 Hz alternating electricity. Cell phones and WiFi would not be allowed on campus.” Consult the website for further information, updates, and to contact the planners directly.

ARIZONA: Snowflake MCS/EHS Community in Snowflake, Arizona – According to the website: “A rural area outside Snowflake, Arizona has become a haven for people with severe MCS and electrical sensitivity. Over thirty people with environmental illness live in specially built or modified homes on large lots. Thirteen homes are built adjacent to each other, while the rest are scattered over a larger area. The zoning in most areas requires a minimum of 20 acres (8 hectares) for each home, ensuring that the area stays rural. Land is inexpensive, making such large lots economical. Most of the MCS/EHS homes are connected to the electrical grid, while a few are fully powered by the sun for ultra-low EMF living.”

WISCONSIN: Lynn Knapp has purchased a low-EMF acreage in Southwest Wisconsin and wants to create an electro-safe community for other EMF refugees. Lynn Knapp says: “I have dealt with EMF for 10 years and finally purchased 22 acres in SW Wisconsin that is a safe zone. Feels wonderful there! Looking to create a small community with like folks that are dealing with EMF.” For more information, phone Lynn at 608-794-2619 or email her at dellkoprime@frontier.com .


Beacon Bank Farm in Staffordshire, England – This is a rural B&B in a 250-year-old brick farmhouse with several Yurts located in a nearby wood for an even more rustic living experience. There is no Wi-Fi, and guests are requested to keep their mobile phones off. The owners serve vegetarian meals and are very health conscious. They advertise Beacon Bank farm as a “No Wi-Fi Zone, Low EMF, Low Tech.” Lodging is available for short recuperative holidays from EMR/RF. This is not a permanent living option.


FRANCE: EHS Refuge (White Zone, Next-Up) – Located in the French province of Drôme in southeastern France. The nearest town of any size is Valence. Visit this link for many images of this refuge and specific details on the shielding of the caravans and other living quarters. Watch the BBC News documentary on this EHS Refuge Zone here. As with the following EHS refuge in Italy, everything here is free. (April 2017: Still operating but no longer accepting unknown EHS people due to disruptions in community life and serenity. For information:
contact@zoneblanche.fr .)

FRANCE: Pailharès – This tiny village in southeastern France, with a population of just 280, may be the last remaining ‘White Zone’ in France – meaning a community where there is minimal mobile phone coverage and wireless radiation. Electrosensitive people have been moving there in recent years. However, that could change if the local government activates the mobile phone mast recently built on a hill outside the village. EHS residents are currently embroiled in a legal battle with local government.

ITALY: Parc de Carnè – This is Italy’s first EHS refuge. It is located within the Vena del Gesso Regional Park near the town of Brisighella in the province of Ravenna. It opened in 2010, and according to the fact sheet, everything within the zone is free, including the Bed & Breakfast. (April 2017: As with the Next-Up EHS Refuge in France, this Italian refuge may also no longer be accepting unknown EHS people.)

PORTUGAL: Shangri-La is an organic farm and natural retreat in The Algarve of southern Portugal. No wireless devices are permitted or used on the farm, and there is no wireless coverage on the farm. “We have both bed & breakfast and self-catering stays available at the farm,” says Stefan Novellino. Contact Stefano at novestefan59@gmail.com. More information: https://quintaorganicasl.wixsite.com/shangri-la

SPAIN: Olvera – Located in the province of Cadiz, the town of Olvera (population 8,500) became Spain’s first municipality to declare itself “electromagnetic pollution–free” in 2012 by unanimous approval of its city council. NOTE: I do not know if Olvera has actually achieved its goal and removed all cell towers and illegal antennas or is simply working toward it. Elsewhere I have readthat there are so many cell towers and antennas throughout Olvera that it doesn’t mean much that they “went wireless”. I would welcome more information about current conditions in Olvera.

SWITZERLAND: Zurich – An apartment block has been built in Zurich for people with Electrosensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The long list of rules for occupants and visitors includes: no smoking, perfumes, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, or other sources of chemical and electro-pollution. Allowable cleaning products are displayed in the lobby. The building, which opened in December 2013 and is believed to be the first of its kind in Europe, is shielded against electromagnetic radiation.


Mid West Radio Quiet Zone, 200 km East of Meekatharra – Like Greenbank, West Virginia in the US, this is not a formal EHS sanctuary but rather a designated Radio Quiet Zone (since 2005) to shield radio astronomy telescopes from interference. According to the website, “The area has very low levels of radio frequency energy because of its low population and remote location.” So it would presumably be good habitat for electro-sensitive people. However, I have been told by one Australian that this area is a “no go” zone. If anyone has more information, please leave a comment.

Tasmania – Practically the entire island state of Tasmania, located 150 miles south of the Australian continent, is an unofficial ‘white zone’ since there is very little Wi-Fi or mobile phone coverage outside of Hobart and Launceston. Even power transmission lines are few and far between. Tasmania is famed for its vast and largely unspoiled natural environment. The only relief George Parker has ever known from electrosensitivity in the last 45 years that he has suffered from it was during the three years he and his wife lived in Tasmania and his symptoms disappeared.

King Valley EHS Refuge, near Wangaratta, Victoria – Bruce Evans would like to establish an EHS refuge on a large tract of rural land in southeastern Australia owned by his family. In September 2014, he issued a call for EHS people (like himself) to come join him on the land. People would initially live in whatever vans, tents or caravans they come with. But long-term stays and the creation of a sustainable community are all possible and part of Bruce’s vision. People can build their own cottages and stay long-term in exchange for helping out on the farm. (Update: This sanctuary is “on hold” for now. You can contact Bruce directly at admin@radiationrefuge.com or visit his website: http://radiationrefuge.com/)


Ricky’s Drift, Western Cape, South Africa – A beautiful organic, non-toxic farm in the Klein Karoo, established by someone who has Electrosensitivity, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and Lyme’s Disease. They offer accommodation for others who need to escape the toxins of modern society. Many photos and all information is available on the website: http://rickysdrift.co.za/index.html.

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