Smart Meter Noise and “The Hum” – Ultrasonic Noise that Humans and Animals Can Hear

Although the article below does not mention that the constant, high-pitched, mosquito-like “hum” that many people are hearing 24/7 is due to ultrasound coming off smart meters and other wireless devices, in fact, this is exactly what it is.  According to standard definition, ultrasound is any frequency over 20 kHz (20 kilohertz or 20,000 hertz), which means that all the wireless frequencies being used to power our devices are ultrasonic.  Although we have been repeatedly told by lying mainstream sources like Wikipedia that humans cannot hear ultrasound (see my book for more information about their lies regarding ultrasound), in fact, millions of us can hear the noise and it is very disturbing.


“Virtually everyone with normal hearing can hear ultrasound.  Elderly people who have lost their high frequency hearing can still hear ultrasound.  Many profoundly deaf people… can hear ultrasound.”  Source


“There are horrible sounds all around us only a small group of people can hear. They almost always come from machines… They’re loud enough to be annoying and cause headaches in people sensitive to them…  And scientists have no firm idea of how common these sounds are or how much damage… they’re doing…”

[Professor Timothy Leighton shared that] ‘A number of people were coming to me, and they were saying, ‘I feel ill in certain buildings…’’   [So Prof. Leighton] started going to buildings where people reported having symptoms.  While he couldn’t hear the sounds, he recorded them using his microphones and consistently found ultrasonic frequencies…  [He said] it dawned on me that we were putting ultrasound into public places where a minority but a large number of people are going to be affected.’  And the effects aren’t trivial.  ‘If you’re in the zone [of an ultrasonic sound] and you’re one of the sensitive people, you’ll get headaches, nausea, tinnitus [ringing in the ears] and [various other symptoms],’ Leighton said.   [These effects are] backed up by decades’ worth of consistent experiments by a number of different researchers.”  Source


Source Article Here


By B.N. Frank

Utility companies worldwide have installed electric, gas, and water “Smart” Meters. They are very EXPENSIVE (see 1, 2), very problematic, and very unpopular (see 1, 2). Most (if not all) of the cost for their installation AND replacements have been and continue to be passed onto customers. From the start, so many issues were reported about them – including fires and explosions (see 1, 2. 3. 4) – that a documentary was produced in 2013 and then updated in 2017 to include even more.

“Smart” Meters are 2-way wireless transmitting so they emit high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation (aka “Electrosmog”). Adverse health issues have been experienced by humans (see 1, 2) and animals after their installation. People have taken action against utility companies because of this (see 1, 2. 3).

Thanks to Smart Meters News for their video about “Smart Grid Syndrome” which is likely being experienced more often than it is being diagnosed.

“Smart” Meter proponents (see 1, 2) promised that the meters would help customers significantly reduce their energy use and lower their bills. NOPE. Adding insult to injury, they can actually USE MORE ENERGY to operate than 1-way transmitting analog meters. That additional use is at least sometimes being passed on to customers (see 1, 2). Ridiculously high measurement errors have also been scientifically documented and reported with “Smart” Meters.

Regardless, utility companies keep installing them because “Smart” Meters collect customer usage data 24/7, whereas original analog meters DO NOT. Utilities collect and analyze usage data so they can market more products and services to customers and/or sell it to 3rd parties a la “Surveillance Capitalism.” In fact, an estimate 34.8 million MORE are being shipped out for installation next year. Argh.

Source Article Here

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