Rise In Gaming Addiction During “COVID-19”

As some of my readers may already know, a staggering amount of brain damage can be caused by exposure to wireless radiation.  Gaming addicts are particularly susceptible due to heavy exposure to this noxious energy.  Gaming addiction has deep spiritual implications for the user that can contribute to some of the “side effects” mentioned below such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.  If you know someone with a gaming addiction, please help that person hard wire their devices so they are not being exposed to radiation while they are playing their video games.  And please support that person in getting help to break the addiction.


The article below was sent to me by https://cassioburycourt.com/


Source Article Here


Gaming addiction has been on the rise for a few years, but the Covid-19 lockdown has exacerbated and highlighted the major issues with this form of addiction.

The below infographic explores the multi-billion-dollar industry and the spike in the time being spent gaming. It also explores the concerns of health care professionals. And finally, it highlights the age demographic and gender most affected and the symptoms to be aware of.


Is Gaming Addiction on the Rise Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?


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