Homeopathic Remedy for the Healing of Ultrasound Damage in Autistic Children

Dear friends,

I recently came across the important work of Dr. Roland Guenther who has created a homoepathic remedy for the healing of ultrasound damage in autistic children.  This remedy, along with the information Dr. Guenther shares, needs to spread far and wide as it confirms the damage that ultrasound is causing, but there are non-invasive ways this damage can be reversed.

Below is the description of Dr. Roland Guenther’s study.  Please share.


Ultrasound – a Natural Imponderable from an Unnatural Source

Presentation by Roland Guenther on the Global Homeopathic Summit 2023


…Now let us come back to the Ultrasound.

The raw material that we used for the trituration was water that had been treated with ultrasound waves. The transducer of an ultrasound machine of the obstetric department of a hospital had been immersed in a small amount of water which then was treated for five minutes with a frequency of 3,500 mhz which is used for pregnant women in transabdominal examination. A few drops of the water were triturated in lactose.

When the 10 participants met for the Ultrasound Shameeah, eight of them had undergone a Hahnemannian proving of Ultrasound 30 C a few months before. Seven of them still had symptoms that did not fade away after the end of the proving.

The provers were upset. Even their families had been affected.

I had little patience with my family and we all were very irritated.”

Irritation was the key word that described what was happening. The irritation was not only felt on the emotional level but also the tissues of the body were irritated:

The provers complained about pain in many joints, including knees, fingers, jaws, the neck and all along the spine.  When I had heard about the joint pains, at first I did not understand. Thinking about it, however, I realized that this is exactly what Ultrasound treatments are used for in physiotherapy. We can easily recognize the homeopathic principle: Ultrasound can create it and Ultrasound can heal it.

A few quotes may give you an impression of the situation at the beginning of the Shameeah:

It was very effortful and tiring. I had lost my ability to focus.” – “My left knee aches and pains, my finger joints and my jaw hurt. Never before in my life have I had joint pains.”

A supervisor reported:

“I was not myself last month. I woke up most every night, this did not happen before. I was confused. I felt separated and disconnected from my family.”

I had been invited to complete the proving with a Shameeah ceremony. In a Shameeah ceremony we go into higher vibrational levels than in a proving and as we reach the spiritual level, the physical problems usually disappear. In an alchemical process the problems are transformed into a gift. This happened here too. All the lingering symptoms disappeared.

(In the first hour of a C4-trituration, the C1-level is reached which is characterized by mainly physical symptoms. In the second hour, in C2, generally emotional problems appear. C3 is about the mental level and we start to understand what we had been going through so far. In C4 we are allowed to touch the essence, the core of a remedy which is a deeply spiritual experience. Here the problems that we had experienced in the lower levels usually turn into a blessing, into a gift. This is a very short and simplified explanation of the intriguing energetic process of a Shameeah / C4-Trituration.)

Let us now talk about the experiences and the result of the Ultrasound Shameeah.

In C1 seven of ten participants reported headaches. Everybody felt warm or even hot. A burning emptiness and nausea was felt in the stomach. Even bones were affected with emptiness:

My bones feel as if they had holes.”

A fine tremor of hands was noticed. An uncomfortable vibration permeated the whole body. It was described as shivers, as vibration or as a buzz.

We felt agitated like after drinking coffee. There was also a marked desire for coffee.

I feel restless and in a hurry.” – “I am overstimulated like after too much coffee, I need to rock back and forth on my chair. I am impatient.”

Two of us felt separated, “as if in my own bubble.

Confusion was noticed, either more general in the sense of not understanding what was going on, or more specifically concerning one’s identity.

“I am confused and careless.” – “Who are you? – We are you!”

I would like to make a comment to the connection with coffee that was strong during the whole process. Even people who usually do not drink coffee had a desire to do so. How can that be understood? Coffee creates a state of over-stimulation and hurry as did the Ultrasound in our trituration. In drinking coffee, we create an internal buzz which then helps us to relax in the energetic field, in the similar buzz of the Ultrasound. It leads to an unhealthy harmony between the inside and the outside, which gives relief. It acts like a medication. This helped me to understand ADD-children who often need a running TV or music in order to learn. They simply create a kind of harmony between the inside and outside that helps them to focus.

In C2 the intensity of the vibration in the physical body was less pronounced than in C1. However, its effect on our psyche was perceived more clearly and more painfully.

“In my core there is usually a quiet place of peace and safety. This peaceful core of stillness is destroyed here.” – “A dark force is penetrating me, it reminds me of Star Wars.”

A beautiful symbolic description of what happened was the image of a participant who experienced to be in one of the big European cathedrals.

“I am in the highest peak of the cathedral, floating. I am being pushed up against the ceiling. I need to get out, to get higher but the ceiling stops me. I am stuck there between heaven and earth.”

This is an impressive description of a fetus being in the sacred space of the womb and being almost pushed out, wanting to get away, wanting to escape but not being able to

“I have a sense of great vulnerability and I feel helpless.”

Participants expressed that the destruction of the inner space of darkness, stillness and safety felt as if it could not be healed again. The sense was not as if this inner space was only threatened or somehow affected negatively, the experience was that this space had been destroyed irreversibly. Something seemed to have entered our being and altered us.

“I will never be the same again. I will never be myself.”

The initial excitement soon became overwhelming.

My nervous system is too open.

We felt exposed, vulnerable and overpowered,.

“I feel totally helpless, I cannot do anything about what is happening to me.

As the painful influence could not be avoided, the only option was to shut down.  Four of us expressed a desire to be alone.

“I only want to be alone and to meditate.” – “I want to disconnect, to curl up into a ball, tighter and tighter, in order to keep the light and the noise out.”

We truly could feel what the unborn was going through.

“Is there nothing sacred or holy anymore like creation or nature? You are exposing mystery, the mystery of life.  You think this is the beginning? It is the end!

You think you are saving lives. How many more are harmed?

We need quiet, dark to grow. Too much light too soon is exposure. Some things must kept secret and hidden until the time of birth is imminent.

Boy or girl? What does it matter? Quit looking! You see but a shadow. I will reveal myself to you in time. Let me be! Your poking and prodding and untimely seeing can only disappoint. Am I what you want?”

C3 was even more intense.

I am irritated by the presence of others. I feel helpless and hopeless.” – “I feel invaded, disrespected, raw and exposed.”

Everybody felt disconnected and separated.

This energy creates fear.” – “I hear children screaming in silence.”

Here, the need to be alone is simultaneously a pathology and an attempt of healing. When we are overwhelmed by the world as adults, we also withdraw, we need to be alone, we might meditate. All this is a way to restore the inner safe space, the sacred space deep inside each one of us where we are not in relationship with the outside world, where we are safe within ourselves. In a way this is what children automatically do in the spectrum of autism. It is both an expression of their problem and of a way to heal or at least to medicate it.

“In the break I read a face book posting of a single mother of a 17 year old autistic son. She wrote: We are becoming more and more confined to the house. I cannot handle to be in public anymore, his melt downs are too severe. His confinement is my confinement, we are in this together. Looking for a way out, a way out of the torture of living in a body that had been violated.”

“You see a screen image without a soul. This is how a soul is taken, the heart of a living being sacrificed on the altar of technology. But now we reclaim our soul, we rage, we scream. You will hear us until you return what belonged to us. We are asking for the return of our sacred, innermost place. Give us sanctuary, give us quiet! I wait for answers. – Silence, only silence!“

The first glimpses of healing show up: “I have a vision of a man holding light. He holds it in his palm and offers it to me. I do not know what to do with it. Silently he communicated to me that this light must be protected by the dark. My hands hurt as I lower the light into the dark earth. It must not be disturbed. Beneath the soil it pulses, relieved in the quiet, in the dark. I return to the womb of the Great Mother. She knows how to heal, to restore, to renew and to grow in the secret places.”


Most of the participants were very unsettled. We were yearning for connection, for love, for a turn-around, for the solution that we usually find in C4. What we experience in the level on which the transformation is happening, is not part of the remedy picture. It is beyond proving, it is the gift after having gone through the problem.

I feel grounded again, strong and safe.” – “I am calm again.”
“I feel a dark area of safety and comfort again in my chest around my heart. I am home with myself again. Now I can reconnect with others, this was not possible before. It feels as if the Ultrasound returned home to its place in a divine orchestra, it is not isolated anymore and exaggerated. It is part of a bigger harmony.”

The sacredness of C4 was expressed: “I hear angels whisper and giggle. Their message is love.” – “I go to the deepest and darkest part of the ocean. This is the womb of creation. My heart is opening and expanding. I touched the core of life.”

“I see the Egyptian All-Seeing-Eye, it appears in the center of a rose, the All Seeing Rose. Inner quiet returns, the heart holds the vibration. A feather contains and holds a flame. The feather flame enters, it pierces the ocean. The water cannot quench it. The feather flame burns but it is not consumed, it enters water but it is not extinguished.”

What we experienced leaves little doubt about how uncomfortable an Ultrasound examination is for a fetus. It has the potential to destroy the sacred space of darkness and safety in a mother’s womb. It results in an over-stimulation of the senses. It leaves the unborn with a confused sense of self, resulting in a very uncomfortable feeling of emptiness. As avoiding it is not possible, the baby is likely to shut down, to disconnect and it will try to save at least what is left of a sense of identity by avoiding contact. It is very possible that in sensitive babies and in cases of frequent and extended Ultrasound exposures this can promote a tendency to autism.

Now let us talk about the clinical experiences with this remedy.

When you check in homeopathic pharmacies, you will find that there are two different kind of Ultrasound remedies available. Helios for example has “Ultrasound General” and “Ultrasound Vaginal”.
These are clearly two different remedies. “Ultrasound General” is the normal transabdominal ultrasound 3.5 mhz used in most every pregnant woman; this is the one that I have been talking about.

“Ultrasound Vaginal” is the kind of ultrasound that is used for example in artificial insemination.

The tissues most sensitive to ultrasound seem to be the brain and the neurological system. It is possible the gonads are also affected but as this usually does not show before puberty, a connection with ultrasound during pregnancy is difficult to prove.

My dear friend and colleague John Melnychuck gave me permission to complete my presentation with some of his clinical findings. John is working near San Francisco in California, he has an enormous amount of experience especially in the treatment of autistic kids.

He has used the potentized ultrasound in hundreds of cases and this is what he found:

When you treat children of the autism spectrum and ADD / ADHD, then you might want to think of Ultrasound in potency when you are facing the following problems:

  • if there are problems latching on at the breast and therefore problems in bonding (pitocin is more involved here, too, but ultrasound is not irrelevant)

  • if the child has a very sensitive mouth and therefore is fighting brushing teeth, has difficulty in chewing or enunciating

  • if they want to put things in their mouth more than neurotypical children (chewy tubes, or any object, toys, dirt, fingers, sticks, rubber balls) and they stay at an oral-stage of development much longer than other children without a history of frequent or long-lasting transabdominal ultrasound examinations

  • if the global ability and desire to be social, to think and to communicate is affected

  • if higher order thinking is disrupted, social thinking is disrupted

  • if their ability to communicate is disrupted and reduced

  • if they can talk, they can will say words, not phrases or sentences

When Ultrasound 3.5 mhz is applied in potency, thinking becomes more organized and therefore sophisticated.  First we see that real-time thinking speeds up and then receptive language improves.  Later you see imagination and problem solving improve – the children literally evolve to become more sophisticated and mature thinkers and communicators who are more easily able to integrate into family and society.  Both their desire and ability to manage social dynamics will increase….  Later expressive language improves.


With transvaginal ultrasound, we see more pervasive, globally disruptive effects on the fetus. When transvaginal ultrasounds have been given very early and very frequently we see more motor planning issues and more of a pervasive developmental disorder type of problem.


It’s hard to precisely know where transvaginal ultrasound effects begin with the mix of other potentially disruptive factors. In the fertility treatment Clomid / Clomifene are being used other fertility drugs. Then there is the effect of cesium chloride for washing sperm.  One known symptom of cesium chloride in homeopathy is that of being “behind a glass wall and separated from others….”

Transvaginal ultrasound, fertility drugs, Cesium chloride add up in their effects on the child and in the end we cannot clearly differentiate what might have caused what. Very often we need to use all these toxins as homeopathic detox remedies in order to help the child.

Transvaginal ultrasound has much deeper disorganizing effects.  These children have all the problems of those affected by transabdominal ultrasound, plus deep motor planning issues and their prognosis is poorer.  They take more therapy and get less benefit than the children who were affected only be transabdominal ultrasound.


In the treatment of children on the autism spectrum, with ADD or ADHD, we need besides or often before the constitutional treatment to detox the children from toxins that reduce their brain function. The hierarchy of importance of these toxic substances that need to be cleared are

  • first of all vaccinations that the child has received

  • second are all medications that the mother and child got during pregnancy, childbirth and nursing time and

  • third is ultrasound.

Constitutional remedies are often hidden behind the toxicological symptoms and frequently they need to be treated first before a constitutional remedy can be determined.

Let me give you an example of a less severe case in which ultrasound was very helpful:

When one of my granddaughters was born, she exhausted her parents by screaming and crying every night for many hours. This went on for many weeks and the poor parents were desperate. Nothing that they tried, gave the baby and them any relief. I was living in Canada and my kids in Germany. When they finally decided to ask grandpa and they called me, I said: “Call me again when she is screaming, no matter what time that will be. I need to hear her in order to give any advice.” So they called me in the night when the poor girl was screaming again. When I heard her on the phone, I got this shudder down my back: This was not a normal crying baby, this was a brain cry similar to what I had heard in kids with meningitis. I asked them about ultrasound during the pregnancy and they told me, that my daughter-in-law had many, many ultrasound examinations because she had very often severe abdominal cramps. Every time she went to the obstetrician, got another ultrasound and was sent home because everything was alright with the baby. When after the delivery her abdominal pain attacks continued, it was discovered that she had gall bladder colics because of stones. So I suggested to give the baby Ultrasound 3.5 mhz in rising potencies. We started with 30C. After every dose she had an aggravation for a couple of days and then things calmed down. It took what seemed quite a long time, about six weeks, until finally the girl slept normally.

I wished the parents would have continued the treatment much longer but anyway, my granddaughter is a wonderful 9 year old today and I love her dearly and only in certain stress situations her brain shuts down and she stops communicating. I am sure that this could have been prevented by continuing the treatment longer. Ultrasound damage can be quite a serious disruption of the body tissue that needs much longer treatment than a functional neurological problem.

I very much hope that I could give you an impression of this remedy. In the office of homeopaths specialized in the treatment of autistic kids, this remedy is a polychrest, an often helpful remedy with a broad spectrum of indications.

Thank you for listening…

4 thoughts on “Homeopathic Remedy for the Healing of Ultrasound Damage in Autistic Children”

    1. Good question!!! I’ve not heard of one! There are ways to deal with pitocin wounding through energy medicine but I’ve not heard of a homeopathic for this. Perhaps we should run this idea by the doctor who created the homeopathic for ultrasound exposure!

  1. This is incredible info.
    Where do I get this ultra sound homeopathic & “general “ is what my grandson will need. Age 6
    He has many ultrasounds, has tics/uncontrolled body movements, Has never had a vaccination but his mom had pitocin. He also is not very loving or affectionate. I believe this is from both the pitocin & Ultrasound. Thanks for any help /advice you can offer.

    1. Linda – we will have to contact that doctor who created the study with the ultrasonic remedy to determine if he is willing to share it with us. Let’s talk about this when we meet next week.

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