“The Flu” and “Microwave Sickness” Share Many of the Same Symptoms

Source Article By B.N. Frank
“The Flu” and “Microwave Sickness” Share Many of the Same Symptoms

Germs May Be Everywhere But So Are WiFi and Other Sources of Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog). 

There’s a whole lot of sickness going on right now.  The media is reporting that much of this is due to “The Flu.”

“Microwave Sickness” and “The Flu” actually share many of the same symptoms.

Doctors introduced the term “Microwave Sickness” in the 1950s.  It is caused by exposure to WiFi and other sources of Electrical Pollution which is also referred to “Electrosmog.”

What most refer to as “WiFi” is “Wireless Frequency” which is actually Wireless Radiation.  WiFi is produced by Microwave Frequency which is actually Microwave Radiation – like what cooks food in a microwave oven.  This is also sometimes referred to as RadioFrequency Radiation or RF.

Many medical professionals aren’t aware that as many as 1/3 of the population is “sensitive” to some degree to sources of WiFi and Electrosmog.  Symptoms and severity vary.  

“Microwave Sickness” is sometimes referred to as “ElectroSensitivity.” Misdiagnosis is common because there are so many symptoms that could be attributed to other health issues or environmental factors.  Behavioral, emotional, and mental health are also affected by WiFi and Electrosmog.

Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation was classified as a Group 2B Carcinogen in 2011 by The World Health Organization.  Many scientists insist there is enough research to classify it as a Group 1 Carcinogen.

“Microwave Sickness” also affects pets, plants, and wildlife.

Exposure to WiFi and other sources of Electrosmog may not be the primary cause of every illness.  However, they can still make other conditions worse.  

Citizens for Safe Technology president, Frank Clegg, was once president of Microsoft Canada.  He stated:  Electrosensitivity is not like an allergy you are born with; it is an illness that builds up over increased time and radiation exposure.

Just as we cannot yet explain why some individuals will die from second-hand smoke and others can live a long life smoking 2 packs a day, we cannot explain why some individuals react to wireless radiation.” (Source: Vitality Magazine)

Not everyone is affected exactly the same way or to the same degree by any type of carcinogen, pollution, or toxin.

The truth may not be easy to stomach but it can set you free.

  1. ADD/ADHD, and Other Learning Disabilities
  2. Asthma, Coughing and Other Respiratory Issues
  3. Behavioral and Mood Issues, Changes, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks
  4. Blood Pressure Abnormalities
  5. Cancer
  6. Cardiac Issues, Heart Arrhythmia, Heart Attacks, Palpitations
  7. Confusion, Inability to Concentrate
  8. Chemical Sensitivities
  9. Dental Issues
  10. Diabetes, Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Conditions
  11. Diarrhea, Nausea and Other Digestive and Intestinal Issues
  12. Disorientation, Dizziness, Vertigo, and Balance Issues
  13. Endocrine and Thyroid Issues
  14. Fatigue
  15. Food Sensitivities
  16. Hair Loss or Thinning
  17. Hearing Difficulties, Sensitivity to Noise, Ringing in Ears/Tinnitus
  18. Headaches, Migraines, Seizures, Strokes
  19. Hormonal Changes, Issues
  20. Insomnia, Changes in Sleep Habits
  21. Joint, Muscle, Nerve Pain and Inflammation
  22. Memory Loss
  23. Muscular Weakness and Failure
  24. Nose Bleeds
  25. “Rapid Aging Syndrome”
  26. Sensitivity to Light
  27. Sinus Issues, Allergies and Infections
  28. Skin Issues, Rashes, etc.
  29. Sweating
  30. Unexplained weight loss or gain
  31. Urinary Issues, Frequency, Incontinence, Infections
  32. Vision Issues and Poor Eye Health

Additional Reference Links:

Dear Cell Phone Radiation Warning Naysayers, MeThinks Thou Protests Too Much

Do We Need More Research? Or Do We Need to Stop Using Plastic Mannequin Heads and Bodies for “Safety Testing” on Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices?

“Popular Science” Magazine Still Blows Off Cell Phone Radiation Warnings Despite Reports From The World Health Organization, Dr. Oz, Stephen Colbert and Others

Beyond Digital Addiction: Your Kids May Be Affected by Wi-Fi and Electronic Devices Even If You Aren’t

Firefighters Don’t Want Cell Towers Near Their Stations, But 50+ Federal Bills Allow Cell Towers In Residential Yards and Pretty Much Everywhere Else

The American Cancer Society claimed “Smart” Meters could increase cancer risk – in 2014

Quarterback Tom Brady’s Holistic Lifestyle Includes No Electronics in the Bedroom. Supermodel Wife Doesn’t Allow Cell Phones Near the Bed

Virtual Reality’s Literal Side Effects: Headaches, Sore Eyes, Behavioral Changes in Adults; Eyesight, Balance Problems, Unknown Long-Term Consequences in Kids

PBS’s “Sesame Street” Airs Segment with Elmo and “Smarty” the Smart Phone. Almost Every Other Media Outlet on the Planet Reports about Technology Harming Children


Electrical Pollution: (http://www.electricalpollution.com/)

“The Invisible Rainbow. A History of Electricity and Life” (http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=1427)

Citizens for Safe Technology (http://citizensforsafetechnology.org)

Clear Light Ventures (http://www.clearlightventures.com)

Environmental Health Trust (http://EHTrust.org)

In Power Movement (http://InPowerMovement.com)

National Association for Children and Safe Technology (http://NACST.org)

National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation (http://NTEF-USA.Org)

Parents for Safe Technology (http://www.parentsforsafetechnology.org/)

We Are The Evidence (https://wearetheevidence.org/)

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