WiFi Refugee; Plight of the Modern-day Canary by Shannon Rowan Dear Friends, Have you ever wondered what it’s like to…
Streetlights Have Been Weaponized By Paul Gregrory This article can be downloaded from: https://app.box.com/s/t4oi6ehvehfjbmtwt9hodnvdhu9npx95 Dated: March 3, 2022 Personal…
© Jeanice Barcelo I am writing this essay at the suggestion of my friend, Paul Gregory, who refers to…
Source Article Here Due to a long legal back-and-forth between a school district and an employee, the California Court of…
“Microwave Illness” is radiation sickness. It is caused by exposure to manmade, radiation-emitting frequencies in both the ionizing and non-ionizing…
Source Article Here Merriam Webster Adds “Microwave Sickness” to the Dictionary. EMF + WiFi = Microwave Sickness By…
Copyright © 2020 – Jeanice Barcelo www.RadiationDangers.com www.BirthofaNewEarth.com * * * * * * https://rumble.com/vtgp10-acute-radiation-sickness-causes-flu-like-symptoms-covid.html * * * *…
Folks – it is definitely wakey wakey time. Smart meters are WEAPONS. They are designed to KILL US. Pulsed microwave…
========================================================= Source Article: Microwave radiation illness: Child testifies about the dangers of WiFi in schools https://www.naturalhealth365.com/school-wifi-radiation-3106.html ========================================================= (NaturalHealth365) These days,…
I hope Americans are beginning to realize that the creatures who control Youtube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. DO NOT HAVE…