Important Cell Tower Studies

Below are samples from the Chapter on Cell Towers in Jerry Flynn’s book: “Hidden Dangers – 5G” which show the harm people experience when living, working, or going to school in close proximity to cell phone towers.

1988 – USA – San Francisco’s Iconic Sutro Tower CAUSES Cancers!

The fifteen-year year study (1973-88) concluded: “Taken together, the analysis of this data-set strongly and comprehensively confirms the a priori hypothesis that the chronic exposure to RF/MW radiation causes cancer at residential exposure levels. There is robust evidence that RF/MW radiation is genotoxic.” This study confirms that RF/MW is carcinogenic with a Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) of zero chronic mean exposure, consistent with RF/MW radiation being a genotoxic disease agent. It also concluded that national RF/MW standards need to be revised (from thermal ONLY to biological or non-thermal effects)!


1995 – USA – Cell Tower Should Not Be Sited On Schools or Near Residential Areas!

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton issued a formal Memorandum stating that transmitter masts should not be sited on schools or near residential areas!

In 2004 – here in Canada, the CEGEP Andre-Laurendau campus in Montreal, Quebec
, had 24 cancer cases and 12 deaths. Dr. Andrew Michrowski was retained to conduct an epidemiological study of the cancer cases. Although conclusive proof could not be determined, Bell quietly removed its antenna from the college roof.

2004 – North America – International Fire Fighters Say NO to Cell Towers!
U.S. and Canadian Fire Fighters IFFA (International Fire Fighters Association.) say “NO” to cell towers on or near fire stations! Their position paper cited 49 references and 40 citations!

2004 – Germany – Ten-Year Study Concluded Cell Phone Towers Increase Risk of Cancer!

The study (1994-2004) entitled: “The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer,” revealed that in that ten year period, after five years’ operation of the cell tower, the relative risk of getting cancer tripled for the residents in the proximity of the installation (i.e. within 400 meters) compared to those who lived outside the area. In addition, the patients that live within 400 meters tend to develop the cancers at a younger age!
Campanelli & Assoc. P.C., (New York City, NY, USA) Tel.: 516 746-1600

1996-2006 Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

A ten year epidemiological study was carried out in Brazil’s 3rd largest city, which found more than 7,191 cancer deaths within 500 meters of cell towers.


2006 – USA – House Prices Drop 21% If Near a Cell Phone Tower!

See: for the results of the ‘opinion survey’ that was published in The Appraisal Journal of the Appraisal Institute, the largest global professional organization for appraisers with 91 chapters. The ‘opinion’ survey results were then confirmed by a market sales analysis. 


2010 – Europe – Cell Tower Radiation – Even 500 Meters is Not Safe!

Epidemiological evidence from several countries found that eight of the 10 studies reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioural symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances of less than 500 meters from base stations.

2015 – USA – Firefighters Rebel Against Cell Towers on Fire Stations!

Firefighters in Los Angeles, California, threatened to pull their rigs into the streets to block traffic if FirstNET – the first responder’s telecommunications network – went ahead with plans to put cell towers on fire stations!

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