I’ve dredged this article up from web.archive.org since it was promptly deleted elsewhere on the internet. Those in control of…
Source Article Here By B.N. Frank For readers who aren’t concerned about the results of this new study, research had…
As some of my readers may already know, a staggering amount of brain damage can be caused by exposure to…
Please pass this information on to others. Parents really need to know the facts about this technology. For more on…
Source Article: WiFi may interact with signaling pathways in the brain, causing irreversible damage https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190418/WiFi-may-interact-with-signaling-pathways-in-the-brain-causing-irreversible-damage.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1lBsjiAPXBfyUKyk_dcWvQzOKTKB0sstzDpv8AXssXLC6c3lhreoDrnpc The effects of repeated WiFi…
According to the 60 Minutes segment discussed in the article below, NIH “scientists” have found a thinning of the cortex…