Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?

Dear friends – I am pleased to let you know that paperback copies of my book, Are Wireless Devices Really Safe, are available through my main website here.  I have spent many years trying to expose the fact that untold harm being caused to all living things through the use of wireless devices which are emitting pulsed microwaves and “non-ionizing” radiation 24/7.  Although we are repeatedly told that these devices are safe, in Truth, they are harmful to all living things.

Although more and more people are awakening to the dangers of wireless technologies, it is nevertheless quite rare to find a person that uses wired internet connections in their home and is willing to move through their day without a cell phone or other wireless gadget attached to him/her in some way.  Sadly, our attachment to these devices is causing our Earth to be bathed in a sea of microwave radiation that is not only alien to the planet, but deadly to all living things.  Due to increasing cell tower density, combined with our own personal use of cell phones, cordless phones, wifi devices, baby monitors, bluetooth devices, smart TVs, Alexa devices, smart appliances, satellites, and more, our world is now awash in a sea of noxious frequencies and radiation that are bringing living systems to the point of collapse.  It is imperative for people to learn the facts so that we can protect ourselves and our children.

If you are interested to learn more, you can order the book below.  The book is $20, plus shipping.

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A PDF version of the book is also available for $12.00.  Please click here to order the PDF. 

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Whoa – your book is amazing!  VERY informative, FULL of factual data points while taking the reader into unforeseen dark places & is intertwined with explosions of witty humor. — Jason Vincent

2 thoughts on “Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?”

    1. I currently have no paperback copies of any of my books since they were banned by Amazon. I am working with a new publisher now to get more books printed, but it may be a while before they are ready. You can still buy the PDF version of all my books at Hope this helps.

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