Dear friends – Did you know that ultrasound stops sperm production? Did you know that two 15-minutes blasts of ultrasound…
PRE-ORDER SPECIAL LIMITED TIME ONLY Dear friends, I am excited to announce that my book, The Dark Side…
Dear friends – I am excited to share the news that Part 1 of my book, “The Dark Side of…
Radiation Dangers – What About the Children?
Source Article by Lynn Griesemer What’s Wrong with Ultrasound? What’s Wrong with Ultrasound? Expectant women around the world…
“The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that he might devour her…
Friends, it is well known that exposure to all forms of manmade radiation, including so-called “non-ionizing” radiation being emitted from…
Yes, I can hear them. And I am one of a growing number of people that can also hear these…
Dear friends – I am feeling an urgency to get this information out to the public, so without much commentary,…
Please keep in mind as you read the information below that ultrasonic irradiation also causes severe cellular and DNA damage.…