From Dr. Magda Havas, Canada It is good to see that kHz frequencies (dirty electricity, high frequency voltage transients,…
Source Article Here Merriam Webster Adds “Microwave Sickness” to the Dictionary. EMF + WiFi = Microwave Sickness By…
Below are samples from the Chapter on Cell Towers in Jerry Flynn’s book: “Hidden Dangers – 5G” which show the…
The exceptionally well written article below contains important information regarding the professional liars who promote the idea of wireless radiation…
BRAVO!!! Go Italy! It’s this type of thing that makes me proud to have Italian blood! Source Article Here By…
SOURCE ARTICLE HERE By Becky Plotner photo courtesy of Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, CNMP, PhD noticed the large issues with…
Source Article Here By B.N. Frank “The Race for 5G” requires the densification of both 4G and 5G technology. …
This is big news. However, the murders were not “involuntary,” but rather purposeful. The fires were ignited by smart meters…
Source Article Here by Dr. Magda Havas, PhD Is there an association between covid-19 cases/deaths and 5G in the…
Source Article Here Of course, these medical researchers never use the word “radiation” when discussing what is causing the demise…