Source Article Here By Arthur Firstenberg GLOBAL EXTENT OF BIRD ARMAGEDDON Anders Brunstad alerted me to the installation of one of…
Wireless radiation is ubiquitous in our world. We are currently experiencing a million-fold increase in radiation levels over what existed…
Friends – we knew this was coming. It is clear to see that the wireless grid is NOT a communication…
© Jeanice Barcelo I am writing this essay at the suggestion of my friend, Paul Gregory, who refers to…
If anyone would like to know why I keep telling people that NO DIGITAL “SMART” METER IS SAFE and that…
Source Article Here By Dafna Tachover Excerpt: Zorach (Zory) Glaser Ph.D., LT, MSC, USNR, is one of the most important…
“Microwave Illness” is radiation sickness. It is caused by exposure to manmade, radiation-emitting frequencies in both the ionizing and non-ionizing…
Dear friends – I am pleased to let you know that paperback copies of my book, Are Wireless Devices Really…
People please WAKE UP!!! This worker did NOT have a heart attack and die on the spot from the weather,…
Friends – it appears that the dark ones are trying to erase this information from the internet. In order to…