Dear friends — What will they think of next? The mainstream media have come out with a flurry of articles…
Dear friends – I highly recommend signing up to receive updates from Lloyd Burrell’s blog. The information he shares can…
The correspondence below is from a private email dated April 3, 2018 explaining some of my symptoms which activated when…
As someone who also suffers from a strong sensitivity to electromagnetic and microwave radiation, I cannot imagine what it must…
This page is dedicated to the men and women who risk their lives every day in order to protect others…
Yes, I can hear them. And I am one of a growing number of people that can also hear these…
Photo Source Why And How To Stop 5G: Replacing Wireless With Something Better Source of this upcoming radio show:…
Dear friends – I am feeling an urgency to get this information out to the public, so without much commentary,…
Source Article: EMFs and Miscarriage: The Evidence Mounts At Least 7 Studies Now Show an Association Magnetic fields at…
Wow! The discussion about artificial radiation destroying all life forms has hit the mainstream. Whaddya know. Source Article: Radiation…